I want to use a PIC to control a triac in a dimmer circuit. The light in
the circuit works off 12v a.c. I've already built a circuit which can
power the PIC and an opto-coupled signal to provide the zero-crossover
detection but I'm not sure how to trigger the triac. The PIC is powered
by a standard bridge rectifier circuit from the 12v a.c. fed through a
7805 to give the 5v and the opto-couple gives a 5v square wave in sync
with the AC supply but I obviously can't connect an output pin from the
PIC directly back to the triac gate, so how would I do this.
Many thanks in advance for any advice.
the circuit works off 12v a.c. I've already built a circuit which can
power the PIC and an opto-coupled signal to provide the zero-crossover
detection but I'm not sure how to trigger the triac. The PIC is powered
by a standard bridge rectifier circuit from the 12v a.c. fed through a
7805 to give the 5v and the opto-couple gives a 5v square wave in sync
with the AC supply but I obviously can't connect an output pin from the
PIC directly back to the triac gate, so how would I do this.
Many thanks in advance for any advice.