How to store results in a Excel file?



Hello everyone,

I have analysed an analog circuit using Cadence and got the
frequency response. I am wondering if it possible to write the data
onto a file instead of plotting the graph. For my work, I should be
able to get the output magnitude at various frequencies written into a
file(say excel). Can some one tell me how to do that?

Swetha Kannan
swetha wrote:

I have analysed an analog circuit using Cadence and got the
frequency response. I am wondering if it possible to write the data
onto a file instead of plotting the graph. For my work, I should be
able to get the output magnitude at various frequencies written into a
file(say excel). Can some one tell me how to do that?
Assuming you have just run your simulation (and so the results are
already selected), you can use the function ocnPrint() to output to a
text file. So try something like this in the CIW command line:

ocnPrint( v("/net_name") ?output "./filename" ?numberNotation 'engineering )

This will print the voltage/time (or whatever) results for net_name into
filename. It will appear something like this:

time(s) v("/Out" ?result "tran") (V)

0 3.3

6.123e-12 3.3002

Which isn't an excel file but can be imported into excel very easily.

Andrew Beckett also posted some skill code which you could also use
(it's a bit easier) - you would need to change the call to VT() to
VF()/IF() for frequency analysis though.



* *
* (abWriteOutputsASCII fileName *
* [?numberNotation 'engineering] *
* [?precision 15] *
* [?width 20] *
* [?numSpaces 0] *
* ) *
* *
* Write the outputs in the current ADE window outputs section *
* into a file. The precision and number notation can *
* be controlled. *
* *

(abWriteOutputsASCII fileName @key
(numberNotation 'engineering)
(precision 15)
(width 20)
(numSpaces 0)
(let (session waves)
(setq session (asiGetCurrentSession))
; Get the ADE outputs, and convert to a list of
; waveforms. I'm assuming that the current simulation
; results are already selected (i.e. either the run
; just completed, or Results->Select was used.
(setq waves
(foreach mapcar output (asiGetOutputList session)
(if (getq output signal)
; if it is a signal, return the VT of it.
(VT (getq output signal))
; otherwise it's an expression, so evaluate it
(eval (getq output expression))
; call ocnPrint to output the waveforms, having
; added on the arguments to control the formatting.
(apply 'ocnPrint
(list ?output fileName ?numberNotation numberNotation
?precision precision ?width width ?numSpaces
)) ; apply
) ; let
) ; procedure wrote:

You will get a file with frequency and voltage in ur case of frequency
responce. And then u could easily import this file into excel.

Please try to learn to write the English language properly. If you are
non-native English writer you should show the language the respect it
deserves by trying to write it properly. If you are a native English
speaker, then you act like a disgrace to your kind. This kind of English
you never learned at school. This is not a rap show, but a discussion forum
where engineers and technicians from all over the world meet to discuss
tools created or supported by Cadence.

It is dangerous to sit in a glass house and throw stones, I know. It can be
fun to do this ou812 "Oh, you ate one too" or "R U ready 2 rock" kind of
English, but i does not belong in this group.

On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 09:03:39 +0200, Svenn Are Bjerkem <>
wrote: wrote:

You will get a file with frequency and voltage in ur case of frequency
responce. And then u could easily import this file into excel.

Please try to learn to write the English language properly. If you are
non-native English writer you should show the language the respect it
deserves by trying to write it properly. If you are a native English
speaker, then you act like a disgrace to your kind. This kind of English
you never learned at school. This is not a rap show, but a discussion forum
where engineers and technicians from all over the world meet to discuss
tools created or supported by Cadence.

It is dangerous to sit in a glass house and throw stones, I know. It can be
fun to do this ou812 "Oh, you ate one too" or "R U ready 2 rock" kind of
English, but i does not belong in this group.
And I thought I was the pedantic one...

Well said. We had a student who used to write all emails as if
they were text (SMS) messages. I pointed out that we were not being charged
per character, and they'd get a much better response if they wrote in English!

And I'm sure you didn't mean to say "but i does not belong in this group" ;-)

Andrew Beckett wrote:

And I'm sure you didn't mean to say "but i does not belong in this group"
There should be a 't' after that 'i'. I am just happy it is not a capital
I. :). (Grammar would have been wrong, anyway)

On Thu, 07 Apr 2005 07:53:06 +0200, Svenn Are Bjerkem <>

Andrew Beckett wrote:

And I'm sure you didn't mean to say "but i does not belong in this group"

There should be a 't' after that 'i'. I am just happy it is not a capital
I. :). (Grammar would have been wrong, anyway)
I wondered whether with the rap reference, you were trying to sound
like Ali G ;-> (I knew it was a typo really).

Andrew. wrote:

I dont see any problem in my english. except a few gramatical errors,
which might have arisen becoz of the lack of time to recheck my post.

I dont see any correlation between my post and the corresponding reply
that you have posted. The kind of language that you have used is
unwarrented and uncalled for.
I can only be sorry for you not being willing to learn how to communicate
properly on usenet. I gave you a correction on the way you use the English
language. Innstead of accepting this, you chose to attack the way you were
corrected, and showing that you are not willing to learn at all. Why should
anybody bother to invest time in answering your questions when you are not
willing to accept the answers you get? Use a monospace font next time.

On 18 Apr 2005 07:53:26 -0700, wrote:

Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:

I gave you a correction on the way you use the English language.
Innstead of >accepting this, you chose to attack the way you were
corrected, and showing that you are not willing to learn at all.

Yes, i chose to attack the way I am being corrected, becoz that is not
the proper way to correct someone. In order to command respect you have
to learn to respect others first. The kind of language that you have
used is unacceptable to any self respecting human being.

You are not a champion of the so-called "English Language", not does
this group stress on someone's English language credibilitys and
credentials to post a message.

Why anybody bother to invest time in answering your questions when
you are not willing to accept the answers you get?

You are mistaken again over here. I am not the one who have posted the
question. The question was posted by Swetha (and the question is "How
to store results in a Excel file?"). I have answered to her question.
So in this case I am investing my time to answer some one else's

Use a monospace font next time.

I dont understand, why on earth you are so obssessed with fonts and
english language. That is not what the group is meant for. Concentrate
more on what is actually relevant on ur part, instead of pointing
fingers at others.
The point is that with a monospace font, you'd have seen that Svenn
was complaining about you using "ur" instead of your, and "u" instead of
"you". He could have gone one to complain about "becoz" instead of "because".

The point is that it is very hard to read if you mis-write words like this -
we can all forgive a few spelling mistakes, and grammatical errors, but
otherwise it looks as if you are trying to talk as if you are in a rap band.

Put another way:

De point be dat wid some monospace font, ya''d gots seen dat Svenn wuz
complainin' about ya' usin' "ur" instead uh yo', and "u" instead uh "ya'". He
could gots gone one t'complain about "becoz" instead uh "a'cuz". De point be
dat it be very hard t'read if ya' mis-scribble wo'ds likes dis - we kin all
fo'cut a few spellin' missnatch'd, and grammatical erro's, but oderwise it
looks as if ya' is tryin' t'talk as if ya' is in some rap band.

(thanks to in Jive mode).

Nobody is saying that you're not trying to help - just you'd be a whole lot
more helpful if you didn't write with all these strange abbreviations!

Andrew (who is English, so feels a certain loyalty to his language). wrote:

Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:

I gave you a correction on the way you use the English language.
Innstead of >accepting this, you chose to attack the way you were
corrected, and showing that you are not willing to learn at all.

Yes, i chose to attack the way I am being corrected, becoz that is not
the proper way to correct someone. In order to command respect you have
to learn to respect others first. The kind of language that you have
used is unacceptable to any self respecting human being.
I do not command any respect from you. I expect you to behave like a grown
up when you get an advice.

You are not a champion of the so-called "English Language", not does
this group stress on someone's English language credibilitys and
credentials to post a message.
I pointed out some "mentally" wrong considerations in the way you use the
English language. It is not your language that is your problem, it is the
way you think that you can allow yourself to use that language in a usenet
forum. If you know how to use words like "credibility" and "credentials"
then I expect you to know how to use words like "your", "you" and

Why anybody bother to invest time in answering your questions when
you are not willing to accept the answers you get?

You are mistaken again over here. I am not the one who have posted the
question. The question was posted by Swetha (and the question is "How
to store results in a Excel file?"). I have answered to her question.
So in this case I am investing my time to answer some one else's
I know that you didn't ask a question. But the way you answer a question
tell more about you than the way you ask a question. You also show that you
are not willing to accept to keep the level as high as possible on this
group to help non-English readers, with far less knowledge in the English
language than you, _understand_ what you write.
Use a monospace font next time.

I dont understand, why on earth you are so obssessed with fonts and
english language. That is not what the group is meant for. Concentrate
more on what is actually relevant on ur part, instead of pointing
fingers at others.
You are not able to understand what this thing is about: I gave you a
correction on the way you communicate, and instead of taking this advice,
correct your behaviour and get on with whatever you do, you start yelling
in my direction about respect and finger-pointing. Grow up.

Svenn wrote:

Thanks for pointing my mistake. I dont have any problem if some body
points out the mistakes that i have made while replying to the posts. I
have the spirit to take it in my stride.
So I didn't point out your mistakes? Or was it rather that you didn't
understand that I corrected some mistakes because you got emotionally
frantic and started ranting in my direction?

I was taking an exception to the kind of language he was using to point
out my mistakes.. like the once below.
I take an exception on your unwillingness to accept correction and get on
with your life.

If you are a native English speaker, then you act like a disgrace to
your kind. This kind of English you never learned at school.

It is dangerous to sit in a glass house and throw stones, I know. It
can be
fun to do this ou812 "Oh, you ate one too" or "R U ready 2 rock" kind
English, but it does not belong in this group.

So the kind of language that Sven has used is acceptable and my "u"
and "ur" (exactly 3 in number in the post that Sven has taken exception
to) is causing a lot of problems i guess.
Kamesh, take some time and learn to spell Svenn. Then take some time to
learn how to communicate in a forum read by many nationalities. Then get on
with whatever you do, nobody will ever blame you for that.

Svenn wrote:

You guys are all crazy. Who cares if he uses 'ur' and 'u' in his
posts? The more important point is that he was trying to help out
Swetha and if he was able to do that he should be commended rather than
put down. I have just read all these posts and I cannot believe that
you have turned a technical forum into an English class. I pray that
when I submit a question that if somebody does answer it that I do not
put that person down because he used 'u' instead of 'you' or 'ur'
instead of 'your'. This whole discussion is very impolite and
unprofessional toward vkam who was just trying to help. Now next time
one of the two of you have a problem, I doubt very much that vkam will
help you. And you might ask, why are you jumping in. Well, it seems
kind of unfair to have two people up against one over something that is
not Cadence related.
If you would happen to read professional literature, how often do you read
"u" instead of "you", "ur" instead of "your", "becoz" instead of "because"
and still find the article "professional"?

You claim to have read the thread, but obvious you haven't grasped that I
didn't correct the answer nor the fact that he did answer not even the
contents of the answer, I corrected syntax. The syntax should be no problem
for Kamesh to correct when somebody make him aware that it is not
considered proper way of communicating in a multicultural forum.

If Kamesh is not a natively speaking English, then he should try to use it
correctly. His posts are clearly showing that he can do so if he /want/.

Why do you doubt that Kamesh would help anybody actually /helping/ him to
communicate properly? Now, that is even less professional than sticking to
low-class communication style even after being made aware of it.

On 19 Apr 2005 07:24:48 -0700, wrote:

You guys are all crazy. Who cares if he uses 'ur' and 'u' in his
posts? The more important point is that he was trying to help out
Swetha and if he was able to do that he should be commended rather than
put down. I have just read all these posts and I cannot believe that
you have turned a technical forum into an English class. I pray that
when I submit a question that if somebody does answer it that I do not
put that person down because he used 'u' instead of 'you' or 'ur'
instead of 'your'. This whole discussion is very impolite and
unprofessional toward vkam who was just trying to help. Now next time
one of the two of you have a problem, I doubt very much that vkam will
help you. And you might ask, why are you jumping in. Well, it seems
kind of unfair to have two people up against one over something that is
not Cadence related.
At the risk of continuing a pointless discussion - if you're including me in
the "two" you reference above - I was trying to clarify what Svenn's original
point was - that these abbreviations make it very hard to read - and also to
inject some levity into the situation (hence my use of a Jive filter - which
was mainly intended to make people laugh and calm down a bit).

I did agree with him (Svenn) a little - it irritates me to see "texting" in
emails - but I wouldn't have said it anywhere nearly as strongly as Svenn did,
nor get as upset as he did.

(BTW, I think I have yet to ask for help in this forum, so hopefully I'm not
too damned by being involved in this thread ;-> ).

OK. Let's all put our toys back in the pram, and get on with discussing
Cadence related stuff.

Andrew. wrote:

You seems to have very cunningly avoided comments on
Did I? You very cunningly avoid to state wether or not English is your
mother tongue.

Dear Svenn, What i was saying is the kind of language that you have
used above is improper and very impolite and not acceptable in any
case. You could have said the same thing in a much polite way. Instead
of accepting that your comments were actually not polite to start with,
you got emotionally frantic and started yelling in my direction.
No it isn't. If you are a native English speaker and use that childish SMS
type of writing in a forum with professionals, then you sooner or later get
a correction. In this case you got one from me. Normal people would take
that signal and start behaving. You obviously cannot take a correction on
something, correct it and get on with being professional.

This thread long since ceased to be professional and productive. Could
we all please drop the subject or at least take it to private e-mail?

Note that search engines (e.g., Google Groups) archive messages in
public forums such as this, which could end up being a point of
embarrassment in the future.

David Cuthbert dacut at cadence dot com
Cadence Design Systems +1 (412) 599-1820
Hi John,

Long time no see :)

I have tried your script and it does not import as I would expect it.
The second line should read
"San Jose, CA",Merr'-i-can Slanguage,US English
instead of
San Jose"," CA,Merr'-i-can Slanguage,US English

because you have to enclose the whole field with quotes and if you have
double quotes inside a field you have to escape them with another double
quote (i.e. " becomes ""). Also, if you have a new line you must
surround the field with double quotes, e.g.

xyz, abc, "lmn

would represent a single record with 3 fields.


John Gianni wrote:
Bridging conversations, a great way to write EXCEL files on Linux/UNIX
is to output not as pure ASCII text (*.txt) but as comma separated
values (*.csv).

An advantage of CSV is MS Excel accepts csv files without question.
(With a *.txt file, questions are asked & variously answered by users.)

Here's an example of a csv file of 9 records of 3 fields each.
This should read nicely in Excel without any questions asked.

London,British English,Standard English
San Jose"," CA,Merr'-i-can Slanguage,US English
"Barbados, Barbados",Creole,Caribbean English
New Delhi,South Asian English,Indian English
Manitoba,Commonwealth English,Canadian English
Grafton,Americanisation English,Australian English
Hokitika,Newzild,New Zealand English
Yuxian,Chinglish,Chinese English
comp.cad.cadence,Contact English,Pidgin English

Note: If the field contains commas, use double quotes as shown above.
You could also use the calculator tool to do this. I believe its much

Enter the equation (which ever you are plotting and want the result in
a file) in the calculator then

Click on "printvs" then a small window comes up. fill in the details
like "from" "To" and "Step" values (From which value to which value you
need ur data and in what steps) in it and then select "print" with
option "print to file".

You will get a file with frequency and voltage in ur case of frequency
responce. And then u could easily import this file into excel.

you can find some good info on this overe here

Hope this helps.
Hi Svenn,

I am not sure what kind of tools you are using to read/write the posts.
But the reply that you have given critising about my comment/post does
not justify what ever you are saying/ trying to say. I think you should
either update ur tools or come and see what you have posted in

This is the comment that i have posted.

You could also use the calculator tool to do this. I believe its much

Enter the equation (which ever you are plotting and want the result in
a file) in the calculator then

Click on "printvs" then a small window comes up. fill in the details
like "from" "To" and "Step" values (From which value to which value you
need ur data and in what steps) in it and then select "print" with
option "print to file".

You will get a file with frequency and voltage in ur case of frequency
responce. And then u could easily import this file into excel.

you can find some good info on this overe here

Hope this helps.

This is the reply that you have posted quoting my post

********************** wrote:
You will get a file with frequency and voltage in ur case of
responce. And then u could easily import this file into excel.

Please try to learn to write the English language properly. If you are
non-native English writer you should show the language the respect it
deserves by trying to write it properly. If you are a native English
speaker, then you act like a disgrace to your kind. This kind of
you never learned at school. This is not a rap show, but a discussion
where engineers and technicians from all over the world meet to discuss
tools created or supported by Cadence.

It is dangerous to sit in a glass house and throw stones, I know. It
can be
fun to do this ou812 "Oh, you ate one too" or "R U ready 2 rock" kind
English, but i does not belong in this group.


I dont see any problem in my english. except a few gramatical errors,
which might have arisen becoz of the lack of time to recheck my post.

I dont see any correlation between my post and the corresponding reply
that you have posted. The kind of language that you have used is
unwarrented and uncalled for.

Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:

I gave you a correction on the way you use the English language.
Innstead of >accepting this, you chose to attack the way you were
corrected, and showing that you are not willing to learn at all.

Yes, i chose to attack the way I am being corrected, becoz that is not
the proper way to correct someone. In order to command respect you have
to learn to respect others first. The kind of language that you have
used is unacceptable to any self respecting human being.

You are not a champion of the so-called "English Language", not does
this group stress on someone's English language credibilitys and
credentials to post a message.

Why anybody bother to invest time in answering your questions when
you are not willing to accept the answers you get?

You are mistaken again over here. I am not the one who have posted the
question. The question was posted by Swetha (and the question is "How
to store results in a Excel file?"). I have answered to her question.
So in this case I am investing my time to answer some one else's

Use a monospace font next time.
I dont understand, why on earth you are so obssessed with fonts and
english language. That is not what the group is meant for. Concentrate
more on what is actually relevant on ur part, instead of pointing
fingers at others.
Thanks for pointing my mistake. I dont have any problem if some body
points out the mistakes that i have made while replying to the posts. I
have the spirit to take it in my stride.

I was taking an exception to the kind of language he was using to point
out my mistakes.. like the once below.

If you are a native English speaker, then you act like a disgrace to
your kind. This kind of English you never learned at school.

It is dangerous to sit in a glass house and throw stones, I know. It
can be
fun to do this ou812 "Oh, you ate one too" or "R U ready 2 rock" kind
English, but it does not belong in this group.

So the kind of language that Sven has used is acceptable and my "u"
and "ur" (exactly 3 in number in the post that Sven has taken exception
to) is causing a lot of problems i guess.
Thanks for pointing my mistake. I dont have any problem if some body
points out the mistakes that i have made while replying to the posts. I
have the spirit to take it in my stride.

I was taking an exception to the kind of language he was using to point
out my mistakes.. like the once below.

If you are a native English speaker, then you act like a disgrace to
your kind. This kind of English you never learned at school

It is dangerous to sit in a glass house and throw stones, I know. It
can be fun to do this ou812 "Oh, you ate one too" or "R U ready 2 rock"
of English, but it does not belong in this group.

So the kind of language that Sven has used is acceptable i guess ??

P.S : I am sorry if my "u" and "ur" (exactly 3 in number to the post
which Sven has taken exception to) sounds like rap. I did not have much
time that day, so i have to use these 3 "Strange Abbreviations".

Welcome to

