how to see signals details in modelsim main using script?



Hello all,

I am running a vhdl design in modelsim and i would like some of these
signals somehow to be displayed as the following :

<At T=159 ns dat a_in <= "0000">

in the modelsim main window and if i can grab these results and write
them simultaniously in a .TXT file. how i can do that? as far as i
remember in the past it was a .do file .

thank you
On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 05:04:23 -0800 (PST), xenix <>

Hello all,

I am running a vhdl design in modelsim and i would like some of these
signals somehow to be displayed as the following :

At T=159 ns dat a_in <= "0000"

in the modelsim main window and if i can grab these results and write
them simultaniously in a .TXT file. how i can do that? as far as i
remember in the past it was a .do file .
Write a piece of Tcl. Use "echo" to send stuff to the transcript
window rather than Tcl's regular "puts", because "puts" sends
things to the OS console, and you want it to go to ModelSim's
transcript window.

set text_file_handle [open "RESULT.TXT" w]
set T [scaleTime $now 1ns]
set a_in [examine /top/dut/a_in]
set message [format {<At T=%s a_in="%s">} $T $a_in]
echo $message
puts $text_file_handle $message
close $text_file_handle

Save your Tcl script in a file (conventionally, use either
the .do or .tcl extension) and then use ModelSim's [do]
command, or the traditional Tcl [source] commmand, to
execute it.
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

DOULOS - Developing Design Know-how
VHDL * Verilog * SystemC * e * Perl * Tcl/Tk * Project Services

Doulos Ltd., 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, UK

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