Hello all,
I am running a vhdl design in modelsim and i would like some of these
signals somehow to be displayed as the following :
<At T=159 ns dat a_in <= "0000">
in the modelsim main window and if i can grab these results and write
them simultaniously in a .TXT file. how i can do that? as far as i
remember in the past it was a .do file .
thank you
I am running a vhdl design in modelsim and i would like some of these
signals somehow to be displayed as the following :
<At T=159 ns dat a_in <= "0000">
in the modelsim main window and if i can grab these results and write
them simultaniously in a .TXT file. how i can do that? as far as i
remember in the past it was a .do file .
thank you