Manju Arasaiah
Anyone can let me know how to search the news-group messages
for any keyword?
Before posting my question, I want to see if the question has been
posted already or not!
Anyway, my question is:
When we draw a metal-path with 45 degree angle in VLE, only the
centerline corner points are on-grid. The other 2 points (corners)
where the bend occurs are off-grid. Is it not a problem because unless
all the points (corners) are on-grid, the geometry can not be
Thanks, Manju
for any keyword?
Before posting my question, I want to see if the question has been
posted already or not!
Anyway, my question is:
When we draw a metal-path with 45 degree angle in VLE, only the
centerline corner points are on-grid. The other 2 points (corners)
where the bend occurs are off-grid. Is it not a problem because unless
all the points (corners) are on-grid, the geometry can not be
Thanks, Manju