After I place/route the design and generate the *.bit file
how can I download the *.bit file into Spartan-3. Which program
should I use. I just bought the Spartan-3 starter kit from Xilinx
and there is no instruction on how to bring the bitstream from
my PC into the development board. What cable should I use to
connect the PC to the development board. Is there any Web which
explains in details about this process. The documentation which
comes with the kit does not explain how to do this.
how can I download the *.bit file into Spartan-3. Which program
should I use. I just bought the Spartan-3 starter kit from Xilinx
and there is no instruction on how to bring the bitstream from
my PC into the development board. What cable should I use to
connect the PC to the development board. Is there any Web which
explains in details about this process. The documentation which
comes with the kit does not explain how to do this.