Nils Emil P. Larsen
I have recieved a bad-flashed BIOS from a motherboard.
The chip is SST 39V040FA, which is an 4Mbit Intel FWH compliant device
with random number generator etc.
The chip is capable of running in two modes: FWH and A/A mux.
The latter mode activates a pin configuration very much alike a
traditional 4Mbit PLCC flash chip.
What do I need to program chips like the SST above? Is any
EPROM-programmer (4Mbit, 3.3v capable) ready for this or is an adaptor
like this needed:
Does anybody know if it is possible to hotflash a FWH with a PC
motherboard, like it is possible to hotflash a traditional flash chip?
Thank you
Nils Emil P. Larsen
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I have recieved a bad-flashed BIOS from a motherboard.
The chip is SST 39V040FA, which is an 4Mbit Intel FWH compliant device
with random number generator etc.
The chip is capable of running in two modes: FWH and A/A mux.
The latter mode activates a pin configuration very much alike a
traditional 4Mbit PLCC flash chip.
What do I need to program chips like the SST above? Is any
EPROM-programmer (4Mbit, 3.3v capable) ready for this or is an adaptor
like this needed:
Does anybody know if it is possible to hotflash a FWH with a PC
motherboard, like it is possible to hotflash a traditional flash chip?
Thank you
Nils Emil P. Larsen
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