How to open Layout in Turbo mode, w/ DRD on in "Notify" mode



I would like to always have Turbo envoked when I open a Layout window,
and at the same time turn on DRD, with the "Notify" mode activated. I
have been able to open my layout in Turbo mode, by adding a trigger to
my layout window (see below), and I have been able to set the
"hierarcical depth" value, but I can't figure out how to always get it
in to "Notify" mode. I have tried the leToggleDrdMode() function, but
this toggles between Off, Notify, & Enforce. And everytime I traverse
the hierarchy it will toggle between the 3. I've even tried to force
it to "Notify" mode with the below command, but it doesn't seem to get
passed to the Layout window. thanks in advance.

leDRDOptionsForm->drdMode->value = "Notify"

deInstallApp(getCurrentWindow() "Virtuoso Turbo") ;this will turn
on DRD when layout is opened
leDRDOptionsForm->drdHierDepth->value = 10
);end proc

deRegUserTriggers( "maskLayout" nil nil 'mlMenuTrigger)
On Feb 1, 11:58 pm, vtcad <> wrote:
I would like to always have Turbo envoked when I open a Layout window,
and at the same time turn on DRD, with the "Notify" mode activated. I
have been able to open my layout in Turbo mode, by adding a trigger to
my layout window (see below), and I have been able to set the
"hierarcical depth" value, but I can't figure out how to always get it
in to "Notify" mode. I have tried the leToggleDrdMode() function, but
this toggles between Off, Notify, & Enforce. And everytime I traverse
the hierarchy it will toggle between the 3. I've even tried to force
it to "Notify" mode with the below command, but it doesn't seem to get
passed to the Layout window. thanks in advance.

leDRDOptionsForm->drdMode->value = "Notify"

        deInstallApp(getCurrentWindow() "Virtuoso Turbo")  ;this will turn
on DRD when layout is opened
        leDRDOptionsForm->drdHierDepth->value = 10
);end proc

deRegUserTriggers( "maskLayout" nil nil 'mlMenuTrigger)
Maybe adding an option in .cdsenv file in working directory or $HOME
is you can do
layout drdEditMode cyclic "notify"

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