How to open Dell E173FPC LCD Monitor

I have a Dell E173FPC monitor which I think I can probebly fix (by
replacing the backlight) if I could only figure out how to get the
back off!

Can anybody let me into the secret 9and if you have replaced the
backlight on this monitor, give me some tips on that too.

Thanks wrote in news:b5659840-e914-4911-bcb7-9696adc91410

I have a Dell E173FPC monitor which I think I can probebly fix (by
replacing the backlight) if I could only figure out how to get the
back off!

Can anybody let me into the secret
Once you remove all the screws, most cases are held together by various
molded 'latches' on the plastic case parts that lock together with other
molded spots on the other part of the case.

Running a thin piece of tough plastic, such as a guitar pick, around the
seam will usually release the 'latches'.

I sharpen the handle of a 'disposable' plastic spoon or fork or use the
blade of a plastic knife to release the 'latches'. Cheap and some of the
plastic disposable utensils are very tough.


please pardon my infinite ignorance, the set-of-things-I-do-not-know is an
infinite set. remove ch100-5 to avoid spam trap
On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 10:08:37 -0800, cpvh wrote:

I have a Dell E173FPC monitor which I think I can probebly fix (by
replacing the backlight) if I could only figure out how to get the back

Can anybody let me into the secret 9and if you have replaced the backlight
on this monitor, give me some tips on that too.


Here is a link to a site with the disassembly instructions and pictures
for the E172 which is simular to your E173.

It looks like there are 4 lamps and most likely you have a bad power /
inverter board not lamps.

I hope this is of some help to you.

On 31 Dec, 00:07, Gnack Nol <> wrote:


Thanks for the advice Gnack.

I also got anothe rlink to a repair info site for a similar monitor at
This from Kelvin at Micro-Lite (

He sells backlights in the UK and gave me some good advice (ie, he
thinks it probably isn't the backlight, and I can probably get the
parts cheaper on ebay than from him!)

I have orderered some replacement transistors from a guy on ebay and
will try and source some replacement caps also.

The trick for opening the monitor case was to use a flat blade
screwdriver and starting at the bottom seam twist while pushing in
quite hard. Then do the sides, then you cap just open the top without
the use of the screwdriver.

I will give an update to let you know if I get it working.

Thaks again folks!
On Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:44:09 -0800 (PST), put finger to
keyboard and composed:

On 31 Dec, 00:07, Gnack Nol <> wrote:


Thanks for the advice Gnack.

I also got anothe rlink to a repair info site for a similar monitor at

This from Kelvin at Micro-Lite (

He sells backlights in the UK and gave me some good advice (ie, he
thinks it probably isn't the backlight, and I can probably get the
parts cheaper on ebay than from him!)

I have orderered some replacement transistors from a guy on ebay and
will try and source some replacement caps also.
Oh dear. The article you referenced is suggesting that you replace the
original 2SC5707 lo-sat switching transistors with MJE3055 audio
frequency transistors. That's a very bad idea.

Here in Australia you can get the originals for around a few dollars
each. Be sure to replace the electrolytic capacitors, and reflow the
solder at each of the coils and transformers.

Here is the datasheet for the transistor:

BTW, I've repaired a similar fault in a Dell (= Benq) LCD monitor,
model E172FPb.

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

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