How to open all the cell view in one library with skill?




I need to backup one library and require it clean, that is to say, the lib
mayn't read cell view from other libraries. So I copy the lib to another
directory and edit the file 'cds.lib' to delete other libraries, so when I
open one cell's schematic view, if it need to read other libraries, I'll get
one warnning. But since there's so many cells, it's difficult to open all
the cell views one by one, it's a good idea to write one skill code to do

There's so many functions in skill and I'm one youngling, so it's a great
work to me. Who would like to help me? either give me some advice?

I write one simple code:
deOpenForm->deLibName->value = "lib1"
deOpenForm->deCellChoice->value = '("cell1")
deOpenForm->deViewName->value = "schematic"
;;Since I have only read permission to the lib, so when I open one cell
view, it'll jump one form to let me ensure, but I
;; don't know how to do it. I've tried hiDBoxOK(geDBox), but it can't work

Aonther way:
dbHiOpenCellViewByType("lib1" "cell1" "schematic" "" "r")
But I get no any window, how to use it? I read the manual but find no more

BTW, how should I get a way to check all the lib all over automatically? I
wanna study skill language but have no more data, where to find some good
codes to read and study? I know 'ROD' but don't know how to use to do
something. Who may help me?

Thanks for your help and Have a good day!


Sorry, I think you are going about this wrong.

I think the functionality you want is available by copying your
starting cell to a new place.

Look up all the options on hierarchical copy. The interactive menu can
do what you want.

It is a simple exercise to replicate what the menu does. (usually YMMV)

-- Gerry

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