How to modify the width of all pmos and nmos cell to their d

Hi David,

You're right and I have already experienced this as well, that's why I
put : if(propdb then ... The else statement is actually missing.
Your comments are very helpful and allow me to enhance my future
codings. In addition, Andrew has always the 'abMagicFunction' that
does all the stuffs ;-)
Thanks a lot for your comments, I think Eric (The Guy who raise the
question) will be as happy as myself !

On Mar 6, 7:30 am, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Hi Folks,

This is an answer for the post
I though it better to take it out from the above post into a new one
so it makes it easy for the community to search/browse.
Q: I want to modify the width of all pmos and nmos cell to their
double in the opened schematic. How could it be done ?

R:I would advice the following for this task :
Given the following knowns:
libName (ex "myLib"), cellName (ex "myCell"), deviceName (ex "NMOS"),
propName (ex "w"), one can :

1. Open the schematic view in append mode:
cvId = dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName "schematic" nil "a")

2. Get the list of instances/devices in your schematic :

3. Process your design
; Loop all the instances and grab only those you are interested on
; i.e "NMOS"
foreach( instance setof(x instsInCv car(x)~>cellName==deviceName)
; Loop all the properties and grab only those you are interested on
; i.e "w"
propdb=setof( x car(instance)~>prop x~>name == propName)
; If you succeed ...
if(propdb then
; Get the property's old value
; Compute the property's New value
; Set the property's New value
car(propdb)~>value = propNewValue
);end foreach

This is a piece of code you can include in a procedure. You can add on
top of it some foreach loops if you want to process multi values/
properties/devices/cells/libs ...

Please give a look to skill cadence manual for more information about
the functions used above :

Enjoy yourself ;-)

Riad, the one case that I think your code does not cover that I have
seen when doing a similar thing: what happens if the device is still
at default value? If it is at default value, then it has no property
for width and it will cause problems. You can fix this by either 1) if
it has no property, then assume a value and create the prop with a
value (which is not a great solution) , or 2) you can go and get the
base cdf and find the actual default values and use them.

DReynolds wrote, on 03/06/08 14:05:
On Mar 6, 7:30 am, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Hi Folks,

This is an answer for the post
I though it better to take it out from the above post into a new one
so it makes it easy for the community to search/browse.
Q: I want to modify the width of all pmos and nmos cell to their
double in the opened schematic. How could it be done ?

R:I would advice the following for this task :
Given the following knowns:
libName (ex "myLib"), cellName (ex "myCell"), deviceName (ex "NMOS"),
propName (ex "w"), one can :

1. Open the schematic view in append mode:
cvId = dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName "schematic" nil "a")

2. Get the list of instances/devices in your schematic :

3. Process your design
; Loop all the instances and grab only those you are interested on
; i.e "NMOS"
foreach( instance setof(x instsInCv car(x)~>cellName==deviceName)
; Loop all the properties and grab only those you are interested on
; i.e "w"
propdb=setof( x car(instance)~>prop x~>name == propName)
; If you succeed ...
if(propdb then
; Get the property's old value
; Compute the property's New value
; Set the property's New value
car(propdb)~>value = propNewValue
);end foreach

This is a piece of code you can include in a procedure. You can add on
top of it some foreach loops if you want to process multi values/
properties/devices/cells/libs ...

Please give a look to skill cadence manual for more information about
the functions used above :

Enjoy yourself ;-)


Riad, the one case that I think your code does not cover that I have
seen when doing a similar thing: what happens if the device is still
at default value? If it is at default value, then it has no property
for width and it will cause problems. You can fix this by either 1) if
it has no property, then assume a value and create the prop with a
value (which is not a great solution) , or 2) you can go and get the
base cdf and find the actual default values and use them.

Better would be to just access the property by instance~>w - if
you have CDS_Netlisting_Mode set to "Analog" then it will get the instance
property if there, or CDF default value if not.

Here's some (rather long) code for a fairly flexible way of converting
parameters and components. It also can use (posted
previously in this forum - although I may send a more recent version
of it).


Author A.D.Beckett
Group Custom IC (UK), Cadence Design Systems Ltd.
Language SKILL
Date Jan 14, 2001
Modified May 23, 2005
By A.D.Beckett

Can either convert a single cellView - in the current window:


Or one in a variable:

abConvertComponentParams("conv.config" cellView)

Or one in a variable, not doing the schematic check afterwards:

abConvertComponentParams("conv.config" cellView nil)

Or all the matching views in a library

abConvertComponentParamsForLib("myLib" "schematic" "conv.config")

Or a whole design hierarchy:


With some different keyword arguments:

abConvertComponentParamsHier("conv.config" ?cellView cellView
?viewList "schematic schem2 symbol"
?stopList "symbol" ?check nil)

(see the code below for details on the arguments to this function)

Each uses a configuration file which contains the rules for conversion.

The conversion configuration file contains a single list. Each sub-list
is a disembodied property list, containing the following properties:

fromLib: Name of the library from which the component to
be changed originates
Is an anchored regular expression ("nfet" means "^nfet$"; ".*fet" means
fromCell: Name of the cell of the component to be changed.
An anchored regular expression.
fromView: Name of the view of the component to be changed.
Defaults to "symbol" if not specified.
An anchored regular expression.
toLib: Name of the library in which the new component is
to be found.
toCell: Name of the cell of the new component.
toView: Name of the view of the new component.
Defaults to "symbol" if not specified.
An assoc list of property names and values. If the instance
matches the cell name, and this key exists, it will match if
all properties match. The property values are treated as anchored
regular expressions (so "N.*" will match as "^N.*$").
Name of a predicate function (which is passed the instId) to
decide if this is a match. If neither propMatch nor matchFunction
keys are provided, it is assumed to match. If both are supplied,
they must both match.
runCallbacks: Invoke the callbacks after changes if this is non-nil
params: List of parameters to change. Each sub-list contains
two or three elements:
The original parameter name
The new parameter name
[optional] a function to do some modification. The function
will be passed the instance id, the original parameter name,
and the existing parameter value, and will return the
updated parameter value.
addProps: List of properties to add, or set. Each sub-list contains
two elements:
The name of the property
The value to set.

An example would be:

fromLib "analogLib"
fromCell "nmos4"
toLib "test"
toCell "nmos4"
runCallbacks t
params (
("w" "width")
("l" "length" fixIt)
addProps (
("isnoisy" t)
fromLib "analogLib"
fromCell ".*mos4"
toLib "test"
toCell "pmos4"
propMatch (("subtype" "pxyz"))
runCallbacks t
params (
("w" "width")
("l" "length")

For example, fixIt might be something like:

procedure(fixIt(inst parName val)
printf("Fixing %s on %s\n" parName inst~>name)
; double the value. Note evalstring is not really a good idea,
; just in case the parameter value is some legal SKILL which could do
; something unexpected (e.g. "exit()" !)
sprintf(nil "%n" evalstring(val)*2)

Unless anything complicated is needed, there is no need to specify a conversion
function. This may be needed for parameter scaling (e.g. changing from meters to


SCCS Info: @(#) 05/23/05.12:00:00 1.7


* *
* (abReadConvertComponentParamsConfig configFile) *
* *
* Read the configuration parameters for the conversion from the named *
* file, and return the list *
* *

(procedure (abReadConvertComponentParamsConfig configFile)
(let (prt data)
(setq prt (infile configFile))
(while (and (setq data (lineread prt)) (eq data t)) t)
(car data)

* *
* (abConvertComponentParamsPropMatch inst propMatch) *
* *
* Check an instance against all the entries in the propMatch, *
* and return t if it matches. *
* *

(procedure (abConvertComponentParamsPropMatch inst propMatch)
(let (propVal)
(forall propPair propMatch
(and (setq propVal (dbGet inst (car propPair)))
(and (stringp propVal)
(rexMatchp (sprintf nil "^%s$" (cadr propPair))
(equal (cadr propPair) propVal))

* *
* (abConvertComponentParams *
* configFile *
* @optional (cellView (geGetEditCellView)) (check t) *
* ) *
* *
* Using the conversion configuration information, convert the cellView *
* specified. *
* *

(procedure (abConvertComponentParams
@optional (cellView (geGetEditCellView)) (check t)
(let (master config newVal changed newParams)
; Read the config file, unless the config parameters were
; passed in
(setq config
(if (stringp configFile)
(abReadConvertComponentParamsConfig configFile)
; Try each component in the config
(foreach component config
; Get the master for the replacement component
(setq master
(getq component toLib)
(getq component toCell)
(or (getq component toView) "symbol")
; Fill in the default values in the config
(unless (getq component fromView)
(putpropq component "symbol" fromView))
; Look at all the instances
(foreach inst (dbGetq cellView instances)
; If it matches
(sprintf nil "^%s$" (getq component fromLib))
(dbGetq inst libName))
(sprintf nil "^%s$" (getq component fromCell))
(dbGetq inst cellName))
(sprintf nil "^%s$" (getq component fromView))
(dbGetq inst viewName))
(or (null (getq component propMatch))
inst (getq component propMatch)))
(or (null (getq component matchFunction))
(funcall (getq component matchFunction) inst))
(unless changed
(dbReopen cellView "a")
(setq changed t)
; Initialise the list of new parameters
(setq newParams nil)
; Then update all the properties
(foreach param (getq component params)
(when (and
(setq newVal (dbGet inst (car param)))
(nequal newVal "")
; If a function was supplied, call it to
; process the value
(when (caddr param)
(setq newVal
(funcall (caddr param) inst
(car param) newVal))
; Delete the old property, and
; store the new
(dbDeletePropByName inst (car param))
(setq newParams
(cons (list (cadr param) newVal) newParams))
) ; when
) ; foreach
; Update the master to the new component
; Must do this after changing the parameters, as otherwise
; getting default values from the CDF doesn't work (since
; the component changed)
(dbSetq inst master master)
; Now go through the list of parameters and save them
(foreach param newParams
(dbSet inst (cadr param) (car param))
) ; foreach
; Now add any parameters that were asked to be set
(foreach param (getq component addProps)
(dbSet inst (cadr param) (car param))
) ; foreach
; If the configuration says to invoke the callbacks,
; call them
(when (getq component runCallbacks)
(abInvokeInstCdfCallbacks inst)
) ; when
) ; foreach
; Close the master replacement object (for tidiness)
(dbClose master)
) ; foreach
; If anything changed, need to save it
(when changed
(when check (schCheck cellView))
(dbSave cellView)
; Let the caller know if anything got changed

* *
* (abConvertComponentParamsForLib libName viewName configFile [check]) *
* *
* Convert all cells in the library libName which have a view viewName, using *
* the configuration file passed in. *
* *

(procedure (abConvertComponentParamsForLib libName viewName configFile
@optional (check t)
(let (config cellName cellView)
; Read the config file, unless the config parameters were
; passed in
(setq config
(if (stringp configFile)
(abReadConvertComponentParamsConfig configFile)
(foreach cell (getq (ddGetObj libName) cells)
(setq cellName (getq cell name))
(when (ddGetObj libName cellName viewName)
(setq cellView
libName cellName viewName))
(when cellView
(printf "Converting %s/%s/%s\n" libName cellName viewName)
(abConvertComponentParams config cellView check)
(dbClose cellView)

* *
* (abConvertComponentParamsHier *
* configFile [?cellView (geGetEditCellView)] *
* [?viewList "schematic cmos.sch symbol"] *
* [?stopList "symbol"] *
* [?check t] *
* [?visited table] *
* ) *
* *
* Traverse the design hierarchically, using the specified view list *
* and stop list, converting the parameters as outlined in the config *
* file supplied. The ?visited argument is only intended to be passed *
* when this function is called recursively - end users should not *
* pass this argument. ?check allows you to turn off the check done *
* before saving. The default cellView to start from is the one in *
* the current window. *
* *

(procedure (abConvertComponentParamsHier
configFile @key (cellView (geGetEditCellView))
(viewList "schematic cmos.sch symbol")
(stopList "symbol")
(check t)
(visited (makeTable 'visited nil))
(let (config switchedView)
; Read the config file, unless the config parameters were
; passed in
(setq config
(if (stringp configFile)
(abReadConvertComponentParamsConfig configFile)
; Convert the stop list to a list for convenience
(when (stringp stopList)
(setq stopList (parseString stopList)))
; Convert the parameters for this cellView
(abConvertComponentParams config cellView check)
; Traverse the hierarchy
(foreach header (dbGetq cellView instHeaders)
; Switch into a cellView in the view list
(setq switchedView (dbGetAnyInstSwitchMaster
(car (dbGetq header instances))
(when switchedView
; Unless I've been here before, or it's a pcell,
; or it's in the stop list, then recursively call
; this function
(arrayref visited switchedView)
(dbGetq switchedView isParamCell)
(dbGetq switchedView superMaster)
(member (dbGetq switchedView viewName) stopList)
(setarray visited switchedView t)
?cellView switchedView
?viewList viewList
?stopList stopList
?check check
?visited visited
) ; unless
) ; when
) ; foreach
) ; let
) ; procedure


Hi Folks,

This is an answer for the post
I though it better to take it out from the above post into a new one
so it makes it easy for the community to search/browse.
Q: I want to modify the width of all pmos and nmos cell to their
double in the opened schematic. How could it be done ?

R:I would advice the following for this task :
Given the following knowns:
libName (ex "myLib"), cellName (ex "myCell"), deviceName (ex "NMOS"),
propName (ex "w"), one can :

1. Open the schematic view in append mode:
cvId = dbOpenCellViewByType(libName cellName "schematic" nil "a")

2. Get the list of instances/devices in your schematic :

3. Process your design
; Loop all the instances and grab only those you are interested on
; i.e "NMOS"
foreach( instance setof(x instsInCv car(x)~>cellName==deviceName)
; Loop all the properties and grab only those you are interested on
; i.e "w"
propdb=setof( x car(instance)~>prop x~>name == propName)
; If you succeed ...
if(propdb then
; Get the property's old value
; Compute the property's New value
; Set the property's New value
car(propdb)~>value = propNewValue
);end foreach

This is a piece of code you can include in a procedure. You can add on
top of it some foreach loops if you want to process multi values/
properties/devices/cells/libs ...

Please give a look to skill cadence manual for more information about
the functions used above :

Enjoy yourself ;-)

Riad, Andrew and David,
Yes, thank you for your help :)

On Mar 7, 1:37 am, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Hi David,

You're right and I have already experienced this as well, that's why I
put :    if(propdb then ... The else statement is actually missing.
Your comments are very helpful and allow me to enhance my future
codings. In addition, Andrew has always the 'abMagicFunction' that
does all the stuffs ;-)
Thanks a lot for your comments, I think Eric (The Guy who raise the
question) will be as happy as myself !


Welcome to

