I am new to VHDL and the software Xilinx webpack and modelsim XE III
6.1e. On my laptop, if I change the source text font, it will take
effect for the next time modelsim launch. On my desktop, it is always
the original font the next time launch. I also notice that the recent
project and recent file selection cannot remember my past execute
history. The difference between these two computer is my laptop
computer loads a local copy of modelsim.ini on the path
My desktop doesn't do that. Could you tell me how to solve this
problem? Thank you very much.
I am new to VHDL and the software Xilinx webpack and modelsim XE III
6.1e. On my laptop, if I change the source text font, it will take
effect for the next time modelsim launch. On my desktop, it is always
the original font the next time launch. I also notice that the recent
project and recent file selection cannot remember my past execute
history. The difference between these two computer is my laptop
computer loads a local copy of modelsim.ini on the path
My desktop doesn't do that. Could you tell me how to solve this
problem? Thank you very much.