How to make the local modelsim.ini takes effect?

I am new to VHDL and the software Xilinx webpack and modelsim XE III
6.1e. On my laptop, if I change the source text font, it will take
effect for the next time modelsim launch. On my desktop, it is always
the original font the next time launch. I also notice that the recent
project and recent file selection cannot remember my past execute
history. The difference between these two computer is my laptop
computer loads a local copy of modelsim.ini on the path


My desktop doesn't do that. Could you tell me how to solve this
problem? Thank you very much. wrote:
I am new to VHDL and the software Xilinx webpack and modelsim XE III
6.1e. On my laptop, if I change the source text font, it will take
effect for the next time modelsim launch. On my desktop, it is always
the original font the next time launch. I also notice that the recent
project and recent file selection cannot remember my past execute
history. The difference between these two computer is my laptop
computer loads a local copy of modelsim.ini on the path


My desktop doesn't do that. Could you tell me how to solve this
problem? Thank you very much.
ModelSim will look for an environment variable %MODELSIM% then it will
look in the current working directory for modelsim.ini, then it will
look in it's directory. As I have several versions of ModelSim on my
PC I us a bat file to set up the version and to point to the
appropriate modelsim.ini file. This bat file also calls vsim and
passes the command line for the specific test architecture, etc. that I
wish to use:

set MODEL=D:\Modeltech_6.1e\win32
set MODELSIM=[your path]\modelsim.ini
%MODEL%\vsim %SimCmd%

I also save the preferences [ TOOLS->save preferences ] which creates
the modelsim.tcl file in the same path as modelsim.ini. This file
should restore any non-default settings each time.
Modelsim started using registry for storing preferences on Windows PCs.
If you change the preferences using the "Tools | Preferences" menu it
will be set in stone (registry) :))

Or you can take a look here:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Model Technology Incorporated\ModeSim

-- Amal

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