How to load saved waveform window back into awd without usin


Frank Nitsche

Hello everybody,

doe's anybody know a skill function to load a saved waveform window
(*.wav) into awd directly without using the file dialogue window?
We intend to use a saved waveform window as a template and load it
within a loop for several waveform results. The form of the template
remains always the same only the data vary.
The whole thing should run in the "nograph" mode. If this is not
possible we can start it also in the "graph" mode but the file dialogue
for the saved waveform window should not appear because the name of this
saved wave form template remains always the same. How can we load this
*.wav file non-interactively?
Best regards

Frank Nitsche

to answer by email remove NOSPAM from address
I assume by a saved waveform window, you're talking about the file you get from
doing Window->Save in a waveform window in awd? And you're talking about the
old "awd" window rather than wavescan? (it's just the filename isn't normally
*.wav from what I've seen, so wanted to check).

You can reload one into a particular window by using:

awvLoadWindow(awvGetCurrentWindow() "filename")

You can use a different window identifier as the first argument. This function
is documented, so consult cdsdoc for more details.

I'm afraid I don't understand why you'd ever want to do this in nograph mode?
Surely if its in nograph mode you won't see the waveform window, so why
worry about loading it?


On Tue, 07 Sep 2004 10:09:25 +0200, Frank Nitsche <>

Hello everybody,

doe's anybody know a skill function to load a saved waveform window
(*.wav) into awd directly without using the file dialogue window?
We intend to use a saved waveform window as a template and load it
within a loop for several waveform results. The form of the template
remains always the same only the data vary.
The whole thing should run in the "nograph" mode. If this is not
possible we can start it also in the "graph" mode but the file dialogue
for the saved waveform window should not appear because the name of this
saved wave form template remains always the same. How can we load this
*.wav file non-interactively?
Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd
Thanks Andrew.
You assumed right. Our intention is to generate a lot of PDF files from
a lot of waveform windows based on different results directories. The
form of the waveform window remains always the same (including
arrangement of subwindows, some text a.s.o.). For generation of pdf
files (plotting into *.ps and converting with ps2pdf) we must use the
same size of the several waveform windows to get reasonably results
(therefore the load of the waveform window template) and we want to do
this non-interactively (therefore nograph).

Best regards

Frank Nitsche

to answer by email remove NOSPAM from address

Andrew Beckett schrieb:
I assume by a saved waveform window, you're talking about the file you get from
doing Window->Save in a waveform window in awd? And you're talking about the
old "awd" window rather than wavescan? (it's just the filename isn't normally
*.wav from what I've seen, so wanted to check).

You can reload one into a particular window by using:

awvLoadWindow(awvGetCurrentWindow() "filename")

You can use a different window identifier as the first argument. This function
is documented, so consult cdsdoc for more details.

I'm afraid I don't understand why you'd ever want to do this in nograph mode?
Surely if its in nograph mode you won't see the waveform window, so why
worry about loading it?


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