How to lit led using 1.2 volt small battery.....


Arafat Safdar

Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery

trading and contracting
Arafat Safdar wrote:

Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery
No it won't. There's not enough forward voltage / current. You might
just get some light with a 10 ohm resistor. It'll depends on the colour
of the LED too.

But as your battery runs down, it'll soon stop glowing.

On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 08:54:35 -0800 (PST), Arafat Safdar
<> wrote:

Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery
Full do-it-yourself instructions at:

You'll need to adjust some component values depending on the
characteristics of the LED that you're using.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
On Dec 6, 10:25 am, Eeyore <>
Arafat Safdar wrote:
Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery

No it won't. There's not enough forward voltage / current. You might
just get some light with a 10 ohm resistor. It'll depends on the colour
of the LED too.

But as your battery runs down, it'll soon stop glowing.

Hi Graham, I am not well verse with computer terms, however please
help me retrieve my gmail or teach me how to use google talk.
As a rule of thumb, an LED requires 2V across it and 10mA to light it.

So the example of 5V and 330ohm works like this

2V across the LED leaving 3V across the resistor.

3V/330 ohms = 9mA.

The problem you have is that the LED must have the correct forward voltage
otherwise it won't no matter what current you put through it.

As I said this is typically around 2V but varies a little with different
colours - but 1.2V won't be enough.

If you really want to light an LED with just a 1.2V source then you will
need to build a small switch mode step up - but this would seem to be a lot
of effort to me.


Nigel wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
Arafat Safdar wrote:
Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery

No it won't. There's not enough forward voltage / current. You might
just get some light with a 10 ohm resistor. It'll depends on the colour
of the LED too.

But as your battery runs down, it'll soon stop glowing.


Hi Graham, I am not well verse with computer terms, however please
help me retrieve my gmail or teach me how to use google talk.
This isn't Google Groups. You are using a (poor) interface from Google to

In order to do what you want you'll need to learn some basic electrical and
electronic theory - or just slavishly copy one of the many online designs that
do what you want. Someone else gave you some links.

On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 08:54:35 -0800 (PST), Arafat Safdar
<> wrote:

Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery

trading and contracting
How to light any color led on 1.2 volts

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Thanx Guys Appreciate your suggestions.. .. Actually i was using 1.5
volts button cell ... ..

On Dec 9, 5:36 am, default <> wrote:
On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 08:54:35 -0800 (PST),ArafatSafdar> wrote:
Hey can some1 tell me how can I lit LED through 1.2 volts battery.I
Connected 330 ohms resistor in series it works on 5v battery but it
doesnt work on 1.2 v battery

trading and contracting
How to light any color led on 1.2 volts

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