I'm working on a failsafe alarm system monitoring 12 separate normally-
closed switches. When a switch is momentarily opens I want it's
circuit to latch OPEN until I press a Reset.
I figured out how to have a normally closed switch latch a relay Open
but it has 2 problems... 1) The relays are energized all the time so
the 12 of them draw almost an Amp (they share a 'common'). 2) The
circuit goes "tripped" (open) on power-up. I had to add a 555
circtuit to do a power-up reset.
I'd rather use solid state devices but am not sure the best way to do
it. Latches, Flip-Flops, Comparators...?
I'm thinking of sending a couple mA@5V to the switches which then go
to ground. When a switch opens the 'signal' line goes high and a
comparator flips. The comparator output will throw an analog switch
to OPEN. My question is how do I latch this?? Once I get that part I
think I can figure out the Reset button.
closed switches. When a switch is momentarily opens I want it's
circuit to latch OPEN until I press a Reset.
I figured out how to have a normally closed switch latch a relay Open
but it has 2 problems... 1) The relays are energized all the time so
the 12 of them draw almost an Amp (they share a 'common'). 2) The
circuit goes "tripped" (open) on power-up. I had to add a 555
circtuit to do a power-up reset.
I'd rather use solid state devices but am not sure the best way to do
it. Latches, Flip-Flops, Comparators...?
I'm thinking of sending a couple mA@5V to the switches which then go
to ground. When a switch opens the 'signal' line goes high and a
comparator flips. The comparator output will throw an analog switch
to OPEN. My question is how do I latch this?? Once I get that part I
think I can figure out the Reset button.