I have a file (sub_mod.v) with a parameter, such as :
parameter neg_output = 1;
assign dout = (neg_output == 1) ? output_1 : output_2;
In the top, I implement it twice. such as :
sub_mod u_sub_mod(....)
sub_mod u_sub_mod1(....)
defparam top.u_sub_mod1.neg_output = 0;
Then how to deal with it in DC in botton-up flow?
If not, how to solve this kind of design to make it configurable?
Thanks in advance.
parameter neg_output = 1;
assign dout = (neg_output == 1) ? output_1 : output_2;
In the top, I implement it twice. such as :
sub_mod u_sub_mod(....)
sub_mod u_sub_mod1(....)
defparam top.u_sub_mod1.neg_output = 0;
Then how to deal with it in DC in botton-up flow?
If not, how to solve this kind of design to make it configurable?
Thanks in advance.