How to implant the artificial neural network model to Verilog-A for circuit simulation...


I have a trained model for thin-film transistor which is done by Matlab NNTool, and I would like to implant the model to Verilog-A for Cadence Virtuoso Spectre simulation using; But, I have no idea how to transfer it...Does anyone know that?
在 2022年9月29日星期四 UTC+8 11:19:22,<林帥哥> 写道:
> I have a trained model for thin-film transistor which is done by Matlab NNTool, and I would like to implant the model to Verilog-A for Cadence Virtuoso Spectre simulation using; But, I have no idea how to transfer it...Does anyone know that?


Have you solved this problem? Thanks for your reply.
xinlnix g 在 2023年3月14日 星期二晚上10:45:18 [UTC+8] 的信中寫道:
在 2022年9月29日星期四 UTC+8 11:19:22,<林帥哥> 写道:
I have a trained model for thin-film transistor which is done by Matlab NNTool, and I would like to implant the model to Verilog-A for Cadence Virtuoso Spectre simulation using; But, I have no idea how to transfer it...Does anyone know that?

Have you solved this problem? Thanks for your reply.
I didn\'t solve the problem till now, any update ?

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