this is the circuit in question, page 3 is the part I'm asking about, not
the PWM circuit on page 1,2:
The IRF4905 and IRFZ44 limit current to 74A and 49A respectively.
The LM324 Quad op-Amp limits Voltage to 32V
What is an op-amp that will work here, but be able to handle 100v or maybe
55v min?
As far as current and total wattage , I'm looking for min 100A , ideally
As far as Wattage/practical heat dissipation, obviously ideal Wattage
would be (500A*100V) , I would think many many mosfets working together
would be the only practical solution to heat dissipation/wattage.
I'm a 1rst year EE major, we haven't covered this stuff at all, I made the
original circuit, but want it to handle more power.
I've wanted to make this circuit since I was 13 years old, I've been
saving this huge brushed DC motor since I was 13
Thank you so much!
the PWM circuit on page 1,2:
The IRF4905 and IRFZ44 limit current to 74A and 49A respectively.
The LM324 Quad op-Amp limits Voltage to 32V
What is an op-amp that will work here, but be able to handle 100v or maybe
55v min?
As far as current and total wattage , I'm looking for min 100A , ideally
As far as Wattage/practical heat dissipation, obviously ideal Wattage
would be (500A*100V) , I would think many many mosfets working together
would be the only practical solution to heat dissipation/wattage.
I'm a 1rst year EE major, we haven't covered this stuff at all, I made the
original circuit, but want it to handle more power.
I've wanted to make this circuit since I was 13 years old, I've been
saving this huge brushed DC motor since I was 13
Thank you so much!