How to exchange a string between a




I would to setup a verification methodology in which a device read the
stimuli from a file given a filename and in which the filename can be
changed several time during the simulation (in order to execute several
test scenario one after the other). I encounter some problems in
passing the filename to the device because the VHDL compiler that I use
(modelsim) only accept to pass a fixed length string to the device.

Could someone help me in finding a(n elegant) workaround?

Many thanks.


-- In the appropriate package
TYPE xl_handler_type IS RECORD
filename : STRING;
END RECORD xl_handler_type;

-- The testbench looks like this.
ENTITY testbench IS
GENERIC(filename: STRING); -- defined via the command-line args
when simulating
END ENTITY testbench;

SIGNAL xl_handler : xl_handler_type;
-- set a filename to be used by the device
WAIT -- for some time
-- set another filename to be used by the device
WAIT -- for some more time
duv: device
PORT MAP(xl_handler => xl_handler);

-- The device looks like this.
ENTITY device IS
PORT(xl_handler : INOUT xl_handler_type);
END ENTITY device;

main: PROCESS(clk)
-- I open the file whose name is transmitted using xl_handler
.... but how?
Eric wrote:

I would to setup a verification methodology in which a device read the
stimuli from a file given a filename and in which the filename can be
changed several time during the simulation (in order to execute several
test scenario one after the other). I encounter some problems in
passing the filename to the device because the VHDL compiler that I use
(modelsim) only accept to pass a fixed length string to the device.

Could someone help me in finding a(n elegant) workaround?

Many thanks.


Couple suggestions:

Instead of passing the filename down through the food chain, you might
instead want to open the file in the testbench and then pass a FILE
type instead. This would require changing the 'xl_handler' type.
TYPE xl_handler_type IS RECORD
file_type : FILE of whatever type you're using;
END RECORD xl_handler_type;

If you want to keep the filename in the xl_handler record then you have
to pass it a fixed length string (as you've found out) so you have to
predefine a string size that is long enough for all cases and when you
go to modifying it in your testbench you'll need to set the entire

If you're using Modelsim, you might want to look into the std_iopak
library which should be one of the default libraries that are already
installed. (Other simulators probably have something similar). That
library has functions like 'strcat', 'strcpy', 'strlen', etc. that work
much like the 'C' language functions of the same name. That makes it
easier to copy variable length strings into a fixed sized string,
appends the trailing NUL character and such.


unfortunately, it does not work because I'm not allowed to use a FILE
in the record.

I tried:
TYPE xl_handler_i_type IS RECORD
file_desc : FILE OF STRING;
END RECORD xl_handler_i_type;

vcom error message:
near "FILE": expecting: STRING IDENTIFIER
near "file_type": expecting: END

then I tried:
TYPE xl_handler_i_type IS RECORD
file_desc : aaaa;
END RECORD xl_handler_i_type;

vcom error message:
(vcom-1187) Elements of file type are not allowed in composite
Eric wrote:

unfortunately, it does not work because I'm not allowed to use a FILE
in the record.
Well sometimes I do give bum advice.

Try option 2 that I gave you then and just define a 'big' string in the
record type and use the 'strcpy', et al functions to make life easier.

Eric a écrit :

I would to setup a verification methodology in which a device read the
stimuli from a file given a filename and in which the filename can be
changed several time during the simulation (in order to execute several
test scenario one after the other). I encounter some problems in
passing the filename to the device because the VHDL compiler that I use
(modelsim) only accept to pass a fixed length string to the device.

Could someone help me in finding a(n elegant) workaround?
An easy solution would be to have all file names the same length. I
tried it and it works fine.
Another solution where you read your file names from another file would
copy the file name to a new line and then call a procedure (called
file_open, a fine example of overloading) defined as follows :

procedure file_open(file f : text; name : in line; kind : in
file_open_kind) is
variable filename : string(1 to name'length);
for i in name'range loop
filename(i) := name(i);
end loop;
file_open(f, filename, kind);
end procedure file_open;

Eric wrote:

I would to setup a verification methodology in which a device read the
stimuli from a file given a filename and in which the filename can be
changed several time during the simulation (in order to execute several
test scenario one after the other). I encounter some problems in
passing the filename to the device because the VHDL compiler that I use
(modelsim) only accept to pass a fixed length string to the device.

Could someone help me in finding a(n elegant) workaround?
You can use an access to an unconstrained string type as a way to work
with variable length strings. The textio package has the LINE type
defined this way. You could also define your own access type or alias
LINE to something else.

use ieee.textio.all;
TYPE xl_handler_type IS RECORD
filename : LINE;
END RECORD xl_handler_type;

To use this you need to allocate the string in the record before you
pass it on to a procedure:

xl_handler.filename = new string'(filename);

You can use the .all method to retrieve the string from the access

file_open(status, fh, xl_handler.filename.all, mode);

Finally. Remember to deallocate the string when you're done with it.

Eric wrote:

I would to setup a verification methodology in which a device read the
stimuli from a file given a filename and in which the filename can be
changed several time during the simulation (in order to execute several
test scenario one after the other). I encounter some problems in
passing the filename to the device because the VHDL compiler that I use
(modelsim) only accept to pass a fixed length string to the device.
The way I do it is to declare a large enough string for any filename in
a package file:
subtype Filename_Str_Type is String(1 to 50);

I am reading a filename out of a plain text script file, so when I do
that, as I copy the filename into the string, I count the number of
characters copied:

-- Skip leading spaces/tabs, then copy characters into the
-- output string until the next space/tab.
procedure get_filename(L : inout line;
the_str : inout Filename_Str_Type;
name_len : inout integer) is
variable the_ch : character;
j := 1;
read(L, the_ch, good);
-- skip leading spaces and tabs
while good = True and (the_ch = ' ' OR the_ch = ht) loop
read(L, the_ch, good);
end loop;
-- get the string
while good = True and j <= the_str'length loop
the_str(j) := the_ch;
j := j+1;
read(L, the_ch, good);
if the_ch = ' ' OR the_ch = ht then
end if;
end loop;
name_len := j;
end procedure get_filename;

Which is called like:

get_filename(L, file_str, name_len_v);
data_filename <= file_str;
NAME_LEN <= name_len_v;

I output the filename string and the number of characters in it:

entity bd_test is
port (
data_filename : out Filename_Str_Type;
NAME_LEN : out integer;

And then the file is opened in another place like this:

file_open(data_file, external_name => data_filename(1 to
NAME_LEN), open_kind => read_mode);

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