how to define the startup state of a flipflop?



i'm looking into a flipflop that has a well defined state during
startup. can someone please tell me how to make a flip flop that
allways starts in 0-state (or 1-state) with basical ports such as and,
nand, nor, ...
thanks in advance
In article <>, says...
i'm looking into a flipflop that has a well defined state during
startup. can someone please tell me how to make a flip flop that
allways starts in 0-state (or 1-state) with basical ports such as and,
nand, nor, ...
Reset (or set) it on power on. Depending on the power characteristics
and allowable glitches, the circuit may be a simple RC network or
something more complicated.

Keith (will) wrote in message news:<>...
i'm looking into a flipflop that has a well defined state during
startup. can someone please tell me how to make a flip flop that
allways starts in 0-state (or 1-state) with basical ports such as and,
nand, nor, ...
thanks in advance
You just need a flip-flop with a "clear" line.

this has been a great help, but it seems like i wont be able to go
around the use of a capacitor which is where i am searching for.
thank you very much!

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