How to define a text macro that concatenates two strings in

I am trying to concatenate two strings with `define macro definition, it does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

module tb;

`define ROOT_DIR "C:/tmp
`define MYFILE `ROOT_DIR/mysigfile.txt"

reg clk;
integer fh_testsig;

initial begin
clk = 0;
fh_mysigfile = $fopen(`MYFILE, "w");

always #5 clk = ~clk;

always @ ( posedge clk) begin
$fwrite(fh_mysigfile, "%1b\n", clk);


-Carl wrote:
I am trying to concatenate two strings with `define macro definition, it does not work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

module tb;

`define ROOT_DIR "C:/tmp
`define MYFILE `ROOT_DIR/mysigfile.txt"

reg clk;
integer fh_testsig;

initial begin
clk = 0;
fh_mysigfile = $fopen(`MYFILE, "w");

always #5 clk = ~clk;

always @ ( posedge clk) begin
$fwrite(fh_mysigfile, "%1b\n", clk);


After changing fh_testsig to fh_mysigfile in your example, it works
fine in ISIM. It created a file c:\tmp\mysigfile.txt, and printed
a pile of 1's in it.
What simulator are you using?

-- Gabor wrote:
Thanks Gabor,

Yes, I had a typo. And, yes, it works for ISIM. With ModelSim, it errors out with the following message:

# ** Warning: test.v(5): (vlog-2269) Unterminated string literal continues onto next line 5.
# ** Error: test.v(13): (vlog-2163) Macro `MYFILE is undefined.
# ** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.0b/win64/vlog failed.
# Error in macro ./tb.fdo line 23
# C:/modeltech64_10.0b/win64/vlog failed.
# while executing
# "vlog "test.v""

Any idea to make it work for both ISIM and ModelSim?

The corrected test verilog code is re-posted here:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module tb;

`define ROOT_DIR "C:/tmp
`define MYFILE `ROOT_DIR/mysigfile.txt"

reg clk;
integer fh_mysigfile;

initial begin
clk = 0;
fh_mysigfile = $fopen(`MYFILE, "w");

always #5 clk = ~clk;

always @ ( posedge clk) begin
$fwrite(fh_mysigfile, "%1b\n", clk);


Line 5 is: `define ROOT_DIR "C:/tmp

This works in ISIM and Compiles in Modelsim, but for some reason I'm
having license issues so I couldn,t see if it works in Modelsim:

module tb;

parameter ROOT_DIR = "C:/tmp";
parameter MYFILE = "/mysigfile.txt";

reg clk;
integer fh_mysigfile;

initial begin
clk = 0;
fh_mysigfile = $fopen({ROOT_DIR,MYFILE}, "w");

always #5 clk = ~clk;

always @ ( posedge clk) begin
$fwrite(fh_mysigfile, "%1b\n", clk);


Apparently Modelsim parses quotes before it runs the preprocessor. I'm
not sure if this is covered in the LRM, but my guess is that it's an
unusual usage of a macro in your case. My changes use parameters
instead of macros, and for those the standard concatenation seems
to work.

-- Gabor
Thanks Gabor,

Yes, I had a typo. And, yes, it works for ISIM. With ModelSim, it errors out with the following message:

# ** Warning: test.v(5): (vlog-2269) Unterminated string literal continues onto next line 5.
# ** Error: test.v(13): (vlog-2163) Macro `MYFILE is undefined.
# ** Error: C:/modeltech64_10.0b/win64/vlog failed.
# Error in macro ./tb.fdo line 23
# C:/modeltech64_10.0b/win64/vlog failed.
# while executing
# "vlog "test.v""

Any idea to make it work for both ISIM and ModelSim?

The corrected test verilog code is re-posted here:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module tb;

`define ROOT_DIR "C:/tmp
`define MYFILE `ROOT_DIR/mysigfile.txt"

reg clk;
integer fh_mysigfile;

initial begin
clk = 0;
fh_mysigfile = $fopen(`MYFILE, "w");

always #5 clk = ~clk;

always @ ( posedge clk) begin
$fwrite(fh_mysigfile, "%1b\n", clk);


Line 5 is: `define ROOT_DIR "C:/tmp
Thanks Gabor, Could you please give me a hint on how this can be done with parameter? - Carl.
I am so sorry that I did not see that you had given me the complete code to show its working with "parameter". I really appreciate your spending time helping me on this. Thanks so much! wrote:
I am so sorry that I did not see that you had given me the complete code to show its working with "parameter". I really appreciate your spending time helping me on this. Thanks so much!
I'm still fighting with my Modelsim license... Did the code
work for you?

-- Gabor

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