how to customize open configuration form?


Bernd Fischer


Any ideas how to customize open configuration form
during the startup?

I want to have the hierarchy editor and the schematic
editor open for the config view.
And not tick every time the radio button.

I have not found any .cdsenv variable for doing this
so far.

The form variable is called 'hePromptForm' and the form fields

But I haven't found out how to initialize the form during startup.

*Error* eval: unbound variable - hePromptForm
There are some he* functions in the ddserv.cxt but even
this does not help me out here.

On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 12:20:44 +0200, Bernd Fischer
<""bernd.fischer\"@xignal-A%&HY%$v#&"> wrote:


Any ideas how to customize open configuration form
during the startup?

I want to have the hierarchy editor and the schematic
editor open for the config view.
And not tick every time the radio button.

I have not found any .cdsenv variable for doing this
so far.

The form variable is called 'hePromptForm' and the form fields

But I haven't found out how to initialize the form during startup.

*Error* eval: unbound variable - hePromptForm

There are some he* functions in the ddserv.cxt but even
this does not help me out here.

You can't. It's created on the fly by a function which recreates the form,
with the previous form settings, or if it doesn't exist, has hardcoded defaults
of "no" and "yes" for the two questions.

Potentially you could kludge this by creating a form with the same name,
with the two fields, initialized to the values you want, and then it will delete
it and recreate the real one with the same values. But that's a horrible hack,
and might break in future.

I'll create an SR and file a PCR for this to be controlled by a cdsenv setting.

Bernd Fischer > wrote:

Any ideas how to customize open configuration form
during the startup?

I want to have the hierarchy editor and the schematic
editor open for the config view.
And not tick every time the radio button.

I have not found any .cdsenv variable for doing this
so far.

The form variable is called 'hePromptForm' and the form fields

But I haven't found out how to initialize the form during startup.

*Error* eval: unbound variable - hePromptForm

There are some he* functions in the ddserv.cxt but even
this does not help me out here.

Hi Bern,

I did not find any env var either. The form is initialised by
hePromptUser . hePromptUser is normaly called by heDataTrigger so you
would need a config view to initialise this way during startup. I would
say, don t bother: just make a DPL with the form name, and put in the
DPL the values you want.

;;dds hierarchy editor cdsinit , default the open config radio buttons.
hePromptForm=list(()) hePromptForm->editTopCV=list(())

That may just work... I did not try. BTW, I wonder wether you can write
or rather
On Fri, 31 Mar 2006 16:43:18 +0200, fogh <> wrote:

Bernd Fischer > wrote:

Any ideas how to customize open configuration form
during the startup?

I want to have the hierarchy editor and the schematic
editor open for the config view.
And not tick every time the radio button.

I have not found any .cdsenv variable for doing this
so far.

The form variable is called 'hePromptForm' and the form fields

But I haven't found out how to initialize the form during startup.

*Error* eval: unbound variable - hePromptForm

There are some he* functions in the ddserv.cxt but even
this does not help me out here.

Hi Bern,

I did not find any env var either. The form is initialised by
hePromptUser . hePromptUser is normaly called by heDataTrigger so you
would need a config view to initialise this way during startup. I would
say, don t bother: just make a DPL with the form name, and put in the
DPL the values you want.

;;dds hierarchy editor cdsinit , default the open config radio buttons.
hePromptForm=list(()) hePromptForm->editTopCV=list(())

That may just work... I did not try. BTW, I wonder wether you can write
or rather
This won't work. I tried doing something similar, but the code does an
hiDeleteForm on the structure, and that will fail with an error, given a DPL
instead of a form defstruct instance..


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