Michael Noone
Hi - this is a follow-up to this thread:
I've been working on finalizing the design. I've drawn up a schematic in
Eagle of what I think should work:
This is essentially identical to what John Fields was suggesting, except
I've modified some resistor values as I have now chosen LEDs:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7513499883 (3.3v
forward voltage, 20-30ma typical current)
The design of this array calls for only one column to be on at any given
time. The columns are active high, and the rows are active low. The goal
is to saturate the transistors. The value for R1-R16 was chosen by
dividing the typical base-emitter saturation voltage by the base
current, thus 0.85/.015 = 56.67, or about 56 ohms. These values were
found on page two of both the 2N4401 and 2N4403 datasheets:
The value for R16-R24 was chosen by taking (V+ - 2*VCesat - Vled)/ILED =
(5 - 2*0.4 - 3.3)/.03 = .9/.03 = 30 ohms. A current of 30ma was chosen
because only one led on each row will be on at any given time, and as
each column will only be on for 1/8 of the time - I feel it is best to
use the maximum current allowed.
Oh - lastly, if anyone is curious as to the odd placement of gnd on the
row connector and +5v on the column connector (as the layout would
probabaly be nicer the other way around) - I did this as a reminder that
the rows are active low and the columns are active high.
So how does everything look? Some of my calculations and final numbers
differ from the original thread - thus I thought I should check back to
see if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks so much,
-Michael J. Noone
I've been working on finalizing the design. I've drawn up a schematic in
Eagle of what I think should work:
This is essentially identical to what John Fields was suggesting, except
I've modified some resistor values as I have now chosen LEDs:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7513499883 (3.3v
forward voltage, 20-30ma typical current)
The design of this array calls for only one column to be on at any given
time. The columns are active high, and the rows are active low. The goal
is to saturate the transistors. The value for R1-R16 was chosen by
dividing the typical base-emitter saturation voltage by the base
current, thus 0.85/.015 = 56.67, or about 56 ohms. These values were
found on page two of both the 2N4401 and 2N4403 datasheets:
The value for R16-R24 was chosen by taking (V+ - 2*VCesat - Vled)/ILED =
(5 - 2*0.4 - 3.3)/.03 = .9/.03 = 30 ohms. A current of 30ma was chosen
because only one led on each row will be on at any given time, and as
each column will only be on for 1/8 of the time - I feel it is best to
use the maximum current allowed.
Oh - lastly, if anyone is curious as to the odd placement of gnd on the
row connector and +5v on the column connector (as the layout would
probabaly be nicer the other way around) - I did this as a reminder that
the rows are active low and the columns are active high.
So how does everything look? Some of my calculations and final numbers
differ from the original thread - thus I thought I should check back to
see if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks so much,
-Michael J. Noone