How should I make my program more effective....?
Can anyone tell the modification for the program which does the memory
controller operation...
Please tell me the modification for the program....
entity mc is
ut bit_vector(2 downto 0);
clk,rw: in bit;
ea:in bit_vector(3 downto 0)
end mc;
architecture behave of mc is
variable sar1:bit_vector(7 downto 0);variable rar1:bit_vector(7 downto
0);variable car1:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
variable sar2:bit_vector(7 downto 0);variable rar2:bit_vector(7 downto
0);variable car2:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
variable sar3:bit_vector(7 downto 0);variable rar3:bit_vector(7 downto
0);variable car3:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
variable temp:bit_vector(3 downto 0);
variable l1,l2,l3:bit_vector(1 downto 0);
sar1 := "10001000";
sar2 := "10101010";
sar3 := "10111010";
rar1 := "10011000";
rar2 := "10001100";
rar3 := "11101000";
car1 := "10111011";
car2 := "10001111";
car3 := "11111000";
temp := sar1(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(0) <= 1;
l1 := 1;
wrc(0) <= 0;
end if;
temp := sar2(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(0) <= 1;
l1 := 2;
wrc(0) <= 0;
end if;
temp := sar3(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(0) <= 1;
l1 := 3;
wrc(0) <= 0;
end if;
temp := rar1(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(1) <= 1;
l2 := 1;
wrc(1) <= 0;
end if;
temp := rar2(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(1) <= 1;
l2 := 1;
wrc(1) <= 0;
end if;
temp := rar3(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(1) <= 1;
l2 := 1;
wrc(1) <= 0;
end if;
temp := car1(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(2) <= 1;
l3 := 1;
wrc(2) <= 0;
end if;
temp := car2(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(2) <= 1;
l3 := 1;
wrc(2) <= 0;
end if;
temp := car3(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(2) <= 1;
l3 := 1;
wrc(2) <= 0;
end if;
if(rw = '0')then -- for readers
if (wrc = "000") then --rcw = 000, Put in rar
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif (wrc = "100") then --rcw = 001
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif (wrc = "001") then --rcw = 010, RAW, enter in rar and link with
matched sar
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif (wrc = "101") then --rcw = 011, enter in rar and link with sar
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "010")then --rcw = 100, enter in rar, link for service
with matched rar.
rar3(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "110")then --rcw = 101, enter in rar with link to match
rar3(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l2 = 1)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l2 = 2)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l2 = 3)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "011")then --rcw = 110, RAW, enter in rar link with
matched sar.
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
end if;
elsif(rw='1')then -- for writers.
if(wrc = "000")then --rwc = 000, no hazard, enter in sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif(wrc = "100")then --rcw = 001, enter in sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif(wrc = "001")then --rcw = 010, enter in sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif(wrc = "101") then --rcw = 011, ener in sar and link with sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "010")then --rcw = 100, WAR, enter in sar, link with
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "110")then --rcw = 101, WAR, enter in sar link with rar.
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
end if;
end if; --rw
end if; --clk
end process;
end behave;
Please tell me how can I modify and write in less numnber of lines,,,
Can anyone tell the modification for the program which does the memory
controller operation...
Please tell me the modification for the program....
entity mc is
clk,rw: in bit;
ea:in bit_vector(3 downto 0)
end mc;
architecture behave of mc is
variable sar1:bit_vector(7 downto 0);variable rar1:bit_vector(7 downto
0);variable car1:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
variable sar2:bit_vector(7 downto 0);variable rar2:bit_vector(7 downto
0);variable car2:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
variable sar3:bit_vector(7 downto 0);variable rar3:bit_vector(7 downto
0);variable car3:bit_vector(7 downto 0);
variable temp:bit_vector(3 downto 0);
variable l1,l2,l3:bit_vector(1 downto 0);
sar1 := "10001000";
sar2 := "10101010";
sar3 := "10111010";
rar1 := "10011000";
rar2 := "10001100";
rar3 := "11101000";
car1 := "10111011";
car2 := "10001111";
car3 := "11111000";
temp := sar1(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(0) <= 1;
l1 := 1;
wrc(0) <= 0;
end if;
temp := sar2(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(0) <= 1;
l1 := 2;
wrc(0) <= 0;
end if;
temp := sar3(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(0) <= 1;
l1 := 3;
wrc(0) <= 0;
end if;
temp := rar1(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(1) <= 1;
l2 := 1;
wrc(1) <= 0;
end if;
temp := rar2(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(1) <= 1;
l2 := 1;
wrc(1) <= 0;
end if;
temp := rar3(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(1) <= 1;
l2 := 1;
wrc(1) <= 0;
end if;
temp := car1(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(2) <= 1;
l3 := 1;
wrc(2) <= 0;
end if;
temp := car2(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(2) <= 1;
l3 := 1;
wrc(2) <= 0;
end if;
temp := car3(3 downto 0);
if (ea = temp) then
wrc(2) <= 1;
l3 := 1;
wrc(2) <= 0;
end if;
if(rw = '0')then -- for readers
if (wrc = "000") then --rcw = 000, Put in rar
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif (wrc = "100") then --rcw = 001
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif (wrc = "001") then --rcw = 010, RAW, enter in rar and link with
matched sar
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif (wrc = "101") then --rcw = 011, enter in rar and link with sar
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "010")then --rcw = 100, enter in rar, link for service
with matched rar.
rar3(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "110")then --rcw = 101, enter in rar with link to match
rar3(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l2 = 1)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l2 = 2)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l2 = 3)then
rar3(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "011")then --rcw = 110, RAW, enter in rar link with
matched sar.
rar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 2)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 3)then
rar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
end if;
elsif(rw='1')then -- for writers.
if(wrc = "000")then --rwc = 000, no hazard, enter in sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif(wrc = "100")then --rcw = 001, enter in sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif(wrc = "001")then --rcw = 010, enter in sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
elsif(wrc = "101") then --rcw = 011, ener in sar and link with sar
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l1 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l1 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l1 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "010")then --rcw = 100, WAR, enter in sar, link with
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
elsif(wrc = "110")then --rcw = 101, WAR, enter in sar link with rar.
sar2(3 downto 0) := ea;
if(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "00";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "01";
elsif(l2 = 1)then
sar2(5 downto 4) := "10";
end if;
end if;
end if; --rw
end if; --clk
end process;
end behave;
Please tell me how can I modify and write in less numnber of lines,,,