In my company we use eldo as a simulator integrated with cadence ADE
framework. I want to change the information about the operating point
of the transistor displayed on the schematic. Right now I can choose
different parameters if I do Edit > Component display in the schematic
editor. However I would like to display something like gm/Id value at
the operating point. I have also found out that the default parameters
displayed for a transistor when I go to Analog artist Results >
Annotate > DC Operating Points are written in a form which I can
invoke from the CIW Tools > CDF >Edit. There is a section in it called
opPointLabelSet where those are written. However, I don't know the
syntax of putting gm/Id or anything like that - of course if at all
Thanks in advance
In my company we use eldo as a simulator integrated with cadence ADE
framework. I want to change the information about the operating point
of the transistor displayed on the schematic. Right now I can choose
different parameters if I do Edit > Component display in the schematic
editor. However I would like to display something like gm/Id value at
the operating point. I have also found out that the default parameters
displayed for a transistor when I go to Analog artist Results >
Annotate > DC Operating Points are written in a form which I can
invoke from the CIW Tools > CDF >Edit. There is a section in it called
opPointLabelSet where those are written. However, I don't know the
syntax of putting gm/Id or anything like that - of course if at all
Thanks in advance