How to buy probes for oscilloscope



Hi all. Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I'm a rookie when it comes to
oscilloscope technologies. What should I be looking out for when buying
probes for, say, a 100MHz 'scope? Is it recommended to buy used probes? Are
probes rated according to max bandwidth? If I buy a probe which is good for,
say, a 100MHz 'scope, would it work even better for a "slower" scope? Thanks
On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 10:08:38 GMT, "alpha_uma" <>

Hi all. Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I'm a rookie when it comes to
oscilloscope technologies. What should I be looking out for when buying
probes for, say, a 100MHz 'scope? Is it recommended to buy used probes? Are
probes rated according to max bandwidth? If I buy a probe which is good for,
say, a 100MHz 'scope, would it work even better for a "slower" scope? Thanks
In general you'll get the best behavior with the scope's original
probes. Next best is a probe that matches the manufacturer's specs.
However, for the 100 MHz range you should get fine performance with any
quality aftermarket probe that's rated for at least that bandwidth.
Check the usual on-line sources.

Rich Webb Norfolk, VA
alpha_uma wrote:
"Rich Webb" <> wrote in message

On Thu, 05 Aug 2004 10:08:38 GMT, "alpha_uma" <

Hi all. Sorry if these are dumb questions, but I'm a rookie when it comes


oscilloscope technologies. What should I be looking out for when buying
probes for, say, a 100MHz 'scope? Is it recommended to buy used probes?


probes rated according to max bandwidth? If I buy a probe which is good


say, a 100MHz 'scope, would it work even better for a "slower" scope?


In general you'll get the best behavior with the scope's original
probes. Next best is a probe that matches the manufacturer's specs.
However, for the 100 MHz range you should get fine performance with any
quality aftermarket probe that's rated for at least that bandwidth.
Check the usual on-line sources.

Thanks for your reply. The reason I'm asking is that I'm looking to buy a
used 'scope on Ebay, and many of them do not come with probes. And I'm also
wondering if it is a better idea to buy a brand new probe than a used probe.
New probes are safer than used ones, especially if you're a newbie
or if you're experienced but can't test it before you buy.
New scopes are safer than used ones, especially if you're a newbie
or if you're experienced and can't etest it before you buy.
In most instances NEW is better than used in almost every respect except

For the older Tek scopes, the most expensive part is the manual.
Second most expensive is the probe/accessories etc.
Third most expensive part is the scope itself.
That's why they rarely come with manuals or probes.

When buying a probe:
second most important consideration...does it work properly.
There are some tiny brittle resistors soldered directly to the tip.
When they break, it's all over. An intermittent probe you can't trust
is not a good thing.
third, does it have ground wire, gripper tips etc.
first, does it's compensation range include the input C of your scope.
fourth, does it have adequate bandwidth.

Ebay ain't the best place to buy a scope. You never know what you're
gettin'. I ran across an interesting situation where a major test
equipment refurbisher was advertising stuff under an alias and claiming
not to be able to test it. You know darn well they could test it and
could fix anything fixable. Would have loved to know the history of that
scope?? Didn't think to write down the address of the high bidder.
I get all tuckered out just thinking about it.

Ham radio swap meets sometimes have great deals, and if it's broke,
it's cheap. Hint: "it's broke".

Return address is VALID.
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"Michael Dombrowski" <> wrote in message
FWIW, a company on Ebay is selling 100mhz probes new for less than $20.
I got one and have been very happy with it when combined with my HP Scope.
Can you supply a link to one of their items?
alpha_uma wrote:

"Michael Dombrowski" <> wrote in message

FWIW, a company on Ebay is selling 100mhz probes new for less than $20.
I got one and have been very happy with it when combined with my HP Scope.

Can you supply a link to one of their items?

I don't know much about probes but I got one of these and it's worked
great for my uses.


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