I want to be able to get a ball park estimation of the thermal
resistance of various shapes (square plate, circular plate, ...) made
out of various materials (aluminum, copper, ...)
I know that Rthermal = deltaT/Power and that Rthermal = 1/(h*A) where
h is the transfer or convection coefficient.
According to an online source h can be approximated as 0.00221 *
(delta T/L)^0.25 where L is the direction of natural convection
(vertical). Units (W/in^2/degrees C).
This is great but as far as I can tell there is no provision in these
formulas for the type of material or its thickness. I am looking for
a ballpark formula to be able to calculate thermal resistance that
involves the thermal conductivity of the material.
I found some really neat calculators on this site:
http://www.novelconceptsinc.com/calculators.htm but these may not be
available in the future.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
resistance of various shapes (square plate, circular plate, ...) made
out of various materials (aluminum, copper, ...)
I know that Rthermal = deltaT/Power and that Rthermal = 1/(h*A) where
h is the transfer or convection coefficient.
According to an online source h can be approximated as 0.00221 *
(delta T/L)^0.25 where L is the direction of natural convection
(vertical). Units (W/in^2/degrees C).
This is great but as far as I can tell there is no provision in these
formulas for the type of material or its thickness. I am looking for
a ballpark formula to be able to calculate thermal resistance that
involves the thermal conductivity of the material.
I found some really neat calculators on this site:
http://www.novelconceptsinc.com/calculators.htm but these may not be
available in the future.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks