Philip Newman
I've got a high pass filter working at about 500MHz using surface
mount passive components. Unfortunately, this filter isn't working as
I wish.
I've debugged the filter by observing the delay S22 coefficient for
each resonator and coupling capacitors and comparing it the simulated
response, making changes to the circuit to match the simulation. I've
spotted my problem, and there is coupling between two inductors,
causing my filter to malfunction.
How can I reduce this coupling effect?
I've made the inductors orthogonal, increased grounding and sheilded
them to little or no effect. the measured coupling is about k = 0.28.
They are coilcraft inductors, 1008HQ series, Q approx. 65 values 39nH
and 56nH.
Any ideas on how to reduce coupling?
Phil Newman
I've got a high pass filter working at about 500MHz using surface
mount passive components. Unfortunately, this filter isn't working as
I wish.
I've debugged the filter by observing the delay S22 coefficient for
each resonator and coupling capacitors and comparing it the simulated
response, making changes to the circuit to match the simulation. I've
spotted my problem, and there is coupling between two inductors,
causing my filter to malfunction.
How can I reduce this coupling effect?
I've made the inductors orthogonal, increased grounding and sheilded
them to little or no effect. the measured coupling is about k = 0.28.
They are coilcraft inductors, 1008HQ series, Q approx. 65 values 39nH
and 56nH.
Any ideas on how to reduce coupling?
Phil Newman