Michael Noone
Hi - I'd like to add a model for the International Rectifier IRFBG20
to LTSpice. On the page
linked to there is a spice file with a .SPI extension. I looked through the
LTSpice help file and they said that if it is not a model (and I'm assuming
it's not, as the file begins with ".SUBCKT" though there are a couple
".MODEL" in there as well) you have to follow a number of steps to add it.
I couldn't even get past the first step:
"Change the "Prefix" attribute of the component instance of the symbol to
be an 'X'. Don't change the symbol, just the instances of the symbol as a
component on a schematic. You can access this attribute by holding down
the control key and right clicking on the body of the component."
as I couldn't find the prefix attribute in the .spi file (I'm assuming
that's where I look for it?)
So - can anybody help me? If you can't tell - I'm VERY new to Spice. Thanks
so much!
-Michael J. Noone
linked to there is a spice file with a .SPI extension. I looked through the
LTSpice help file and they said that if it is not a model (and I'm assuming
it's not, as the file begins with ".SUBCKT" though there are a couple
".MODEL" in there as well) you have to follow a number of steps to add it.
I couldn't even get past the first step:
"Change the "Prefix" attribute of the component instance of the symbol to
be an 'X'. Don't change the symbol, just the instances of the symbol as a
component on a schematic. You can access this attribute by holding down
the control key and right clicking on the body of the component."
as I couldn't find the prefix attribute in the .spi file (I'm assuming
that's where I look for it?)
So - can anybody help me? If you can't tell - I'm VERY new to Spice. Thanks
so much!
-Michael J. Noone