I\'d appreciate it any replies went to all three groups that this is
posted to so I don\'t have to read all three to see all the replies.
When I started in Usenet, that was considered the proper way.
How much electricity do these things use when not in use?
1) Laptop power supplies, when the laptop is not on? Is it different
when the laptop is disconnected?
2) Automobile Quick Charge 3.0 ports? My car is old so I have to add
one, like this one,
Some come with a switch in them and some don\'t. I picked this one
\'cause it has a 1.1\" hole saw, not for the switch. I suppose some new
cars come with QC 3.0 installed?
3) Radios, that have an on/off switch but the switch is not in the 110v.
line. It\'s somewhere in the transistor circuitry, after the radio\'s
power supply? Why don\'t they put the switch on the 110 volts?
4) Same question about TV\'s but since they are bigger, do they waste
even more? If they have to use a relay, they could use a relay. (Yes,
I agree that the remote control receiver has to be on all the time, but
I don\'t consider that a waste. It could be the only part that is on.)
5) What have I left out? Especially something that is different in
nature from the previous 4.
WRT 1, I\'ve noticed that the black box that\'s part of the charging cable
is not hot, not even warm afaict, when I\'m not charging anything. Does
that imply I\'m not using much current? That I\'m using no current?
WRT 2, cars, doesn\'t the alternator put out loads of extra electricity
anyhow except that there is a regulator to stop that. If the charger I\'m
asking about or the lights or any accesorry (even maybe the heater fan)
is using electricity, does it make the engine work harder? Is the
amount significant? How many gallons an hour do all the accesories
together use?
Is the amount the engine would have to work to power a charger
that\'s not charging anything even measurable with other than a
** wikip doesn\'t say this but I was led to believe a galvanometer
is an ammeter for very small currents. Was that true? Is it still?
Anyhow, that\'s what I mean in the previous paragraph.
posted to so I don\'t have to read all three to see all the replies.
When I started in Usenet, that was considered the proper way.
How much electricity do these things use when not in use?
1) Laptop power supplies, when the laptop is not on? Is it different
when the laptop is disconnected?
2) Automobile Quick Charge 3.0 ports? My car is old so I have to add
one, like this one,
Some come with a switch in them and some don\'t. I picked this one
\'cause it has a 1.1\" hole saw, not for the switch. I suppose some new
cars come with QC 3.0 installed?
3) Radios, that have an on/off switch but the switch is not in the 110v.
line. It\'s somewhere in the transistor circuitry, after the radio\'s
power supply? Why don\'t they put the switch on the 110 volts?
4) Same question about TV\'s but since they are bigger, do they waste
even more? If they have to use a relay, they could use a relay. (Yes,
I agree that the remote control receiver has to be on all the time, but
I don\'t consider that a waste. It could be the only part that is on.)
5) What have I left out? Especially something that is different in
nature from the previous 4.
WRT 1, I\'ve noticed that the black box that\'s part of the charging cable
is not hot, not even warm afaict, when I\'m not charging anything. Does
that imply I\'m not using much current? That I\'m using no current?
WRT 2, cars, doesn\'t the alternator put out loads of extra electricity
anyhow except that there is a regulator to stop that. If the charger I\'m
asking about or the lights or any accesorry (even maybe the heater fan)
is using electricity, does it make the engine work harder? Is the
amount significant? How many gallons an hour do all the accesories
together use?
Is the amount the engine would have to work to power a charger
that\'s not charging anything even measurable with other than a
** wikip doesn\'t say this but I was led to believe a galvanometer
is an ammeter for very small currents. Was that true? Is it still?
Anyhow, that\'s what I mean in the previous paragraph.