I'm wanting to exchange "air cored" frame aerials for ferrite rods, for the
medium waveband (Broadcast band).
The ferrite rods are 10mm dia, and the MW coil for it is 35mm long, I think
about 90 turns. Now, how long should the ferrire rods be do you think? The
thing is, I've got some fairly long rods (200mm long) and I'm thinking
should I cut the rods so they are say 100mm long or even 66.66mm long. The
point is, does it matter that much how long the ferite rod is? Could I in
fact use a 66.66mm rod and it would be no better or worse than a 100mm rod?
Also, how do you cut a ferrite rod? TIA.
I'm wanting to exchange "air cored" frame aerials for ferrite rods, for the
medium waveband (Broadcast band).
The ferrite rods are 10mm dia, and the MW coil for it is 35mm long, I think
about 90 turns. Now, how long should the ferrire rods be do you think? The
thing is, I've got some fairly long rods (200mm long) and I'm thinking
should I cut the rods so they are say 100mm long or even 66.66mm long. The
point is, does it matter that much how long the ferite rod is? Could I in
fact use a 66.66mm rod and it would be no better or worse than a 100mm rod?
Also, how do you cut a ferrite rod? TIA.