I was once told by a professional layout person that leaving a 90
degree inside corner on intersections of traces and/or pads was not
good. Seems the acid is harder to wash out of the little corners and
can result in over etching. I have seen tons of boards that don't
bother with this and I have found few who have even heard of this. Is
this a real issue? Is it only an issue on boards with very fine
traces, like 6 or 5 mil?
I have not seen much in layout packages that would make this easy to
do. In fact, it can be very hard to do without direct support from the
degree inside corner on intersections of traces and/or pads was not
good. Seems the acid is harder to wash out of the little corners and
can result in over etching. I have seen tons of boards that don't
bother with this and I have found few who have even heard of this. Is
this a real issue? Is it only an issue on boards with very fine
traces, like 6 or 5 mil?
I have not seen much in layout packages that would make this easy to
do. In fact, it can be very hard to do without direct support from the