My dvd-dtt unit recently failed to start up. As I suspected, there was
a bulged 1000uf 35v cap on the psu secondary so I changed it , and the
associated rectifier diode ( a 1N5822) as the pcb looked toasted and I
suspected it might have gone a bit leaky.
As replacement I used an SB340 ( http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/191268/WTE/SB340.html
) from the spares box. the unit now works but the diode seems to be
running hot - you can keep your finger on it - just - in use. Is this
usual? At least it doesn't seem to be getting red hot....
a bulged 1000uf 35v cap on the psu secondary so I changed it , and the
associated rectifier diode ( a 1N5822) as the pcb looked toasted and I
suspected it might have gone a bit leaky.
As replacement I used an SB340 ( http://pdf1.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/view/191268/WTE/SB340.html
) from the spares box. the unit now works but the diode seems to be
running hot - you can keep your finger on it - just - in use. Is this
usual? At least it doesn't seem to be getting red hot....