Robert Baer
Environment: Win7.1 Firefox 78
Sample line used:
<a href=\"downhole-measurements.html?find=able\">Downhole Measurements</a>
At least execution transfers from the calling HTML to the desired
destination HTML.
BUT. the keyword does NOT get underlined or highlighted in any way.
It would be particularly nice if all the keywords got highlighted
and the first keyword was presented on the screen (think loong document
and keyword was in middle).
Sample line used:
<a href=\"downhole-measurements.html?find=able\">Downhole Measurements</a>
At least execution transfers from the calling HTML to the desired
destination HTML.
BUT. the keyword does NOT get underlined or highlighted in any way.
It would be particularly nice if all the keywords got highlighted
and the first keyword was presented on the screen (think loong document
and keyword was in middle).