Having some problems getting higher frequencies to go through a led
and down two a photo diode.
My original idea was to build a two stage 90MHz 10.7 IF FM Superhet
complete with antenna filter to pick out a beam of light from an
extreme distance using a photo diode and a modulated led, which would
later be replaced by infrared counterparts to minimize 60Hz light
Well the superhet worked great, but unfortunately there seems to be a
problem with the frequency range of my photo diode and possibly the
I changed the frequencies of my superhet to 1MHz 455 KHz IF, to try to
get within range, but there isn't anything present.
It seems at frequencies as low as 20K are almost gone when sent
through, ick!
I did get a little better range using a infrared diode, but not nearly
Are there high freq. signals there and I'm just not notching them
efficiently enough, or do I need a special semiconductor that I could
find elsewhere?
I have tried coiling the crap out of this thing and amping it; till
all I get is RFI.
Unusually enough, I did have some luck at about 100 MHz after coiling
the crap out of the IR detector diode, but the signal was so faint
that it just barely rode on the discrminator.
Any advice?
Help would be appreciated.
and down two a photo diode.
My original idea was to build a two stage 90MHz 10.7 IF FM Superhet
complete with antenna filter to pick out a beam of light from an
extreme distance using a photo diode and a modulated led, which would
later be replaced by infrared counterparts to minimize 60Hz light
Well the superhet worked great, but unfortunately there seems to be a
problem with the frequency range of my photo diode and possibly the
I changed the frequencies of my superhet to 1MHz 455 KHz IF, to try to
get within range, but there isn't anything present.
It seems at frequencies as low as 20K are almost gone when sent
through, ick!
I did get a little better range using a infrared diode, but not nearly
Are there high freq. signals there and I'm just not notching them
efficiently enough, or do I need a special semiconductor that I could
find elsewhere?
I have tried coiling the crap out of this thing and amping it; till
all I get is RFI.
Unusually enough, I did have some luck at about 100 MHz after coiling
the crap out of the IR detector diode, but the signal was so faint
that it just barely rode on the discrminator.
Any advice?
Help would be appreciated.