How draw electrical drawings?

Hope this is the right place for this questions:

1. When making drawings that use symbology such as
electrical schematics for PLC and control circuits.....
what SIZE should thee symbols be drawn at

2. Should the symbols be in model space and all text
labels be in pspace? Or everything in mspace?

3. Can one draw the WHOLE circuit in mspace and then
cut up the diagram to separate sheets using layouts in

Bottom line.... what proper procedure for such symbolic
type drawings?
On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:07:21 -0600, wrote:

Hope this is the right place for this questions:

1. When making drawings that use symbology such as
electrical schematics for PLC and control circuits.....
what SIZE should thee symbols be drawn at
Whatever size is convenient for your use.

Protel works on an 0.1" grid - component pins are 0.1" apart (or some
multiple thereof).

2. Should the symbols be in model space and all text
labels be in pspace? Or everything in mspace?
I suspect you're using AutoCad - electronic CAD programs don't have
these different "spaces"
3. Can one draw the WHOLE circuit in mspace and then
cut up the diagram to separate sheets using layouts in
In electronic CAD programs, everything is done in one "space" which
represents a single sheet when printed. If the circuit or system
won't fit on a single sheet, split it up into multiple drawings.

(I use ACad for simple 2D mechanical drawings - don't know which
"space" I work in, but it's the same one I'd use for schematics, if I
had to use ACad for schematics.)
Bottom line.... what proper procedure for such symbolic
type drawings?
Peter Bennett VE7CEI
email: peterbb4 (at)
GPS and NMEA info and programs:
Newsgroup new user info:

You best source for general drafting advice is probably a manual
drafting text book, unless your company (if applicable) has its own
drafting standards. Do keep in mind that the recommended dimensions
are just that -- recommendations. I personally never felt compelled to
follow every drawing standard to the "letter".

Richard Kanarek

On Tue, 17 Jan 2006 14:07:21 -0600, wrote:

Hope this is the right place for this questions:

1. When making drawings that use symbology such as
electrical schematics for PLC and control circuits.....
what SIZE should thee symbols be drawn at

2. Should the symbols be in model space and all text
labels be in pspace? Or everything in mspace?

3. Can one draw the WHOLE circuit in mspace and then
cut up the diagram to separate sheets using layouts in

Bottom line.... what proper procedure for such symbolic
type drawings?
Peter Bennett <peterbb@nowhere.invalid> wrote:

I suspect you're using AutoCad - electronic CAD programs don't have
these different "spaces"
Yes I am using AutoCAD

I guess I should really look into a specialized app for
schematics huh?
On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 10:04:24 -0600, wrote:

Peter Bennett <peterbb@nowhere.invalid> wrote:

I suspect you're using AutoCad - electronic CAD programs don't have
these different "spaces"

Yes I am using AutoCAD

I guess I should really look into a specialized app for
schematics huh?
Depends - if you are drawing schematics that will eventually become PC
boards, then you do want an electronic CAD package, as such packages
will make sure that your board layout matches the schematic.

If you are just doing general documentation of wiring harnesses or
system cable connections, a mechanical drafting program is OK - you
can just ignore all the spurious stuff like dimensioning, 3D views,

Peter Bennett VE7CEI
email: peterbb4 (at)
GPS and NMEA info and programs:
Newsgroup new user info:
See also, AutoCAD Electrical.

All Rights Reserved wrote:
Hope this is the right place for this questions:

1. When making drawings that use symbology such as
electrical schematics for PLC and control circuits.....
what SIZE should thee symbols be drawn at

2. Should the symbols be in model space and all text
labels be in pspace? Or everything in mspace?

3. Can one draw the WHOLE circuit in mspace and then
cut up the diagram to separate sheets using layouts in

Bottom line.... what proper procedure for such symbolic
type drawings?
See also, AutoCAD Electrical.

All Rights Reserved wrote:
Hope this is the right place for this questions:

1. When making drawings that use symbology such as
electrical schematics for PLC and control circuits.....
what SIZE should thee symbols be drawn at

2. Should the symbols be in model space and all text
labels be in pspace? Or everything in mspace?

3. Can one draw the WHOLE circuit in mspace and then
cut up the diagram to separate sheets using layouts in

Bottom line.... what proper procedure for such symbolic
type drawings?

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