How Does an Electric Dipole Generator Work?


W. Watson

Look at my very old physics book, I came across a description on EM that uses the
idea of an electric dipole generator. Effectively an antenna. It almost appears as
though one could stick a power cord in an electric outlet without anything attached
to it (bulb, for example), and have an antenna. What's happening here? Does current
flow up one wire and then back down it into the other wire. Sounds a bit puzzling. I
would take there is really no dipole in the sense that there's a +/-pair. Can someone
elucidate on what's happening?
Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

Web Page: <>
W. Watson wrote:
Look at my very old physics book, I came across a description on EM that
uses the idea of an electric dipole generator. Effectively an antenna.
It almost appears as though one could stick a power cord in an electric
outlet without anything attached to it (bulb, for example), and have an
antenna. What's happening here? Does current flow up one wire and then
back down it into the other wire. Sounds a bit puzzling. I would take
there is really no dipole in the sense that there's a +/-pair. Can
someone elucidate on what's happening?
yes, more or less.
hense the reason for corrected
length of an antenna elliment.
it flows down the surface of the
elliments and then returns.
the idea is to match it properly
so that incoming energy and returning
energy timed correctly to give the
proper loading effects(EMF generations);
i have a nice PDF guide that covers
antenna theory and i think it covers
your topic very well if you wish to
have it.
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:24:49 GMT, "W. Watson"
<wolf_tracks@invalid.inv> wrote:

Look at my very old physics book, I came across a description on EM that uses the
idea of an electric dipole generator. Effectively an antenna. It almost appears as
though one could stick a power cord in an electric outlet without anything attached
to it (bulb, for example), and have an antenna. What's happening here? Does current
flow up one wire and then back down it into the other wire. Sounds a bit puzzling. I
would take there is really no dipole in the sense that there's a +/-pair. Can someone
elucidate on what's happening?.
It would have to be an exceedingly ***long*** dipole to efficiently
radiate 60Hz. But such low frequencies *do* propagate through space if
given the chance. They're just not normally used, due to the
exceptionally long wavelength!
Miles Harris wrote:
On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:24:49 GMT, "W. Watson"
wolf_tracks@invalid.inv> wrote:

Look at my very old physics book, I came across a description on EM
that uses the idea of an electric dipole generator. Effectively an
antenna. It almost appears as though one could stick a power cord in
an electric outlet without anything attached to it (bulb, for
example), and have an antenna. What's happening here? Does current
flow up one wire and then back down it into the other wire. Sounds a
bit puzzling. I would take there is really no dipole in the sense
that there's a +/-pair. Can someone elucidate on what's happening?.

It would have to be an exceedingly ***long*** dipole to efficiently
radiate 60Hz. But such low frequencies *do* propagate through space if
given the chance. They're just not normally used, due to the
exceptionally long wavelength!
Oh dear...This last sentance is like one one those "experts" on tv shows
telling us black is black because it is black.

A more usfull statment would be:

Low frequencies are not normally used because it is difficult to
transfer power to the antenna. This results in low transmissinon


Low frequencies are not normally used because the data rate that can be
transient is low.

Kevin Aylward
SuperSpice, a very affordable Mixed-Mode
Windows Simulator with Schematic Capture,
Waveform Display, FFT's and Filter Design.
Miles Harris wrote:

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:24:49 GMT, "W. Watson"
wolf_tracks@invalid.inv> wrote:

Look at my very old physics book, I came across a description on EM that uses the
idea of an electric dipole generator. Effectively an antenna. It almost appears as
though one could stick a power cord in an electric outlet without anything attached
to it (bulb, for example), and have an antenna. What's happening here? Does current
flow up one wire and then back down it into the other wire. Sounds a bit puzzling. I
would take there is really no dipole in the sense that there's a +/-pair. Can someone
elucidate on what's happening?.

It would have to be an exceedingly ***long*** dipole to efficiently
radiate 60Hz. But such low frequencies *do* propagate through space if
given the chance. They're just not normally used, due to the
exceptionally long wavelength!

I forgot to mention that my house is wired for 120v and 6MHz. :)

Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

Web Page: <>
Jamie wrote:

W. Watson wrote:

Look at my very old physics book, I came across a description on EM
that uses the idea of an electric dipole generator. Effectively an
antenna. It almost appears as though one could stick a power cord in
an electric outlet without anything attached to it (bulb, for
example), and have an antenna. What's happening here? Does current
flow up one wire and then back down it into the other wire. Sounds a
bit puzzling. I would take there is really no dipole in the sense that
there's a +/-pair. Can someone elucidate on what's happening?

yes, more or less.
hense the reason for corrected
length of an antenna elliment.
it flows down the surface of the
elliments and then returns.
the idea is to match it properly
so that incoming energy and returning
energy timed correctly to give the
proper loading effects(EMF generations);
i have a nice PDF guide that covers
antenna theory and i think it covers
your topic very well if you wish to
have it.

Sure. Is it something on the web?

Wayne T. Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
(121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
Obz Site: 39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

Web Page: <>

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