How do you test electric guitar electronics?



Hi everyone,
My electric guitar was working several weeks ago but since I opened it and
removed the pickguard and touched the toggle switch and jack it's completely
dead. I get no sound from the guitar now. I didn't solder anything or remove
anything or change anything at all. I bought myself a multimeter from radio
shack. How do I go about troubleshooting or testing the electronics of the
guitar to find out what's wrong or if any of the parts (jack, 3-way toggle
switch, volume and tone pots) need to be replaced? I checked the wiring and
there doesn't seem to be any loose connections or shorts.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,
Don't plug the guitar into anything to test it.

Set the meter to test continuity, or resistance. Touch one probe (either
colour) to one end of the output jack. Folloe the wire to see where it
connects to. Touch the other probe there. If the meter beeps, or if the
resistance shows close to 0, then the connection is OK. Keep following the
wires and testing at various points to ensure continuity.

That should get you started. You should Google for how to use a multimeter
or buy the book that RS sells to help you out too, so you know how to use
the meter.

"mark" <> wrote in message
I've never done any electronics before so I don't know how to use a
multimeter. I bought one today from radio shack: This one:
However, I have no clue how to operate it. I put a battery in it. I took
pickguard off the guitar . To test the electric guitar do I need to plug
the guitar to an amp? (I plug my guitar into my computer
and effects box)
What range do I set the multimeter to ? I don't even know what the numbers
mean on the multimeter? Which terminals of which components do I have to
touch? Does it matter if I use the red or black needles of the multimeter
when testing ? What do I look for? I tried touching some of the terminals
but I get nothing on the multimeter I tried several ranges on the
and tried touching several different combinations of terminals and I get
nothing on the multimeter. I know it works cause I tested a new battery: I
put the multimeter range on battery test and it says the batteries good.


"mark" <> wrote in message
Hi everyone,
My electric guitar was working several weeks ago but since I opened it
removed the pickguard and touched the toggle switch and jack it's
dead. I get no sound from the guitar now. I didn't solder anything or
anything or change anything at all. I bought myself a multimeter from
shack. How do I go about troubleshooting or testing the electronics of
guitar to find out what's wrong or if any of the parts (jack, 3-way
switch, volume and tone pots) need to be replaced? I checked the wiring
there doesn't seem to be any loose connections or shorts.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

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I've never done any electronics before so I don't know how to use a
multimeter. I bought one today from radio shack: This one:

However, I have no clue how to operate it. I put a battery in it. I took the
pickguard off the guitar . To test the electric guitar do I need to plug
the guitar to an amp? (I plug my guitar into my computer subwoofer/speakers
and effects box)
What range do I set the multimeter to ? I don't even know what the numbers
mean on the multimeter? Which terminals of which components do I have to
touch? Does it matter if I use the red or black needles of the multimeter
when testing ? What do I look for? I tried touching some of the terminals
but I get nothing on the multimeter I tried several ranges on the multimeter
and tried touching several different combinations of terminals and I get
nothing on the multimeter. I know it works cause I tested a new battery: I
put the multimeter range on battery test and it says the batteries good.


"mark" <> wrote in message
Hi everyone,
My electric guitar was working several weeks ago but since I opened it and
removed the pickguard and touched the toggle switch and jack it's
dead. I get no sound from the guitar now. I didn't solder anything or
anything or change anything at all. I bought myself a multimeter from
shack. How do I go about troubleshooting or testing the electronics of the
guitar to find out what's wrong or if any of the parts (jack, 3-way toggle
switch, volume and tone pots) need to be replaced? I checked the wiring
there doesn't seem to be any loose connections or shorts.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,
"mark" <> wrote:

I've never done any electronics before so I don't know how to use a
multimeter. I bought one today from radio shack: This one:
Unfortunately, this is not a good buy. You can get modern digital
multimeters for even lower prices than that. If you cannot change that
buy you will be restricted in what measurements you can do.

However, I have no clue how to operate it. I put a battery in it. I
took the pickguard off the guitar . To test the electric guitar do I
need to plug the guitar to an amp? (I plug my guitar into my computer
subwoofer/speakers and effects box)
If you had bought a modern multimeter I would have said that you can put
the multimeter in AC mode, voltage range 2 Volt or 200mV, and you should
see the response of plucking a string on the multimeter.

Now, with this old type voltmeter you will probably not see any response
from the pickups.

But you can put a patch cord in the guitar and measure for resistance
between the two contacts on the free plug. It should show half a million
ohms or less. If it shows infinite resistance you have broken a wire to
the output jack or somewhere around it.

Roger J.

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