How Do You Measure ORP?


Ricky Spartacus

How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

I'd like to know how long a negatively charged glass of water lasts.
Ricky Spartacus wrote:
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

I'd like to know how long a negatively charged glass of water lasts.
Oxidation reduction potential, pH and ion selective measurements are
all related in that that they use chemical cells with selective
membranes to form a cell that produces a voltage related to a chemical
property of a solution. You might do a google search for some of the
key terms (perhaps with the word 'tutorial' added to learn more about
how these work. As it is, you question doesn't quite make sense.
John Popelish
"Ricky Spartacus" <> wrote in message
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

Positvely charged electron? I don't think so. There can only be less or more
of the negative kind. Using a scope would be overkill (and probably
ineffective in any event) because of the static nature of your measurement.
Use a galvanometer.

I'd like to know how long a negatively charged glass of water lasts.
Baphomet wrote:
Positvely charged electron? I don't think so.
Maybe he is playing with antimatter? ;-)

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Baphomet wrote:
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Baphomet wrote:

Positvely charged electron? I don't think so.

Maybe he is playing with antimatter? ;-)

Much better than Dark Matter ;-)

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Why would you play with that stuff? Do you work for Roto-Rooter?

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
"Michael A. Terrell" <> wrote in message
Baphomet wrote:

Positvely charged electron? I don't think so.

Maybe he is playing with antimatter? ;-)
Much better than Dark Matter ;-)

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

Positvely charged electron?
I was fed wrong information? This website says free radicals are
positivly charged. Find `positively charged` at this site.

I don't think so. There can only be less or more
of the negative kind. Using a scope would be overkill (and probably
ineffective in any event) because of the static nature of your measurement.
Use a galvanometer.
Okay, I hope my analog MM goes below - 400mv.
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

I'd like to know how long a negatively charged glass of water lasts.

Oxidation reduction potential, pH and ion selective measurements are
all related in that that they use chemical cells with selective
membranes to form a cell that produces a voltage related to a chemical
property of a solution. You might do a google search for some of the
key terms (perhaps with the word 'tutorial' added to learn more about
how these work. As it is, you question doesn't quite make sense.
Just thought that a scope is a sensitive equipment that could detect
changes in the amount of negatively charged water molecues. Also
thought it's just as easy as dipping probes into the water.

The device you pointed out seems to require a dedicated instrument. I
thought I could just stick probes into an orange and get how much
negative ORPs is in there. Guess it's not the same science experiment
as in grade school. Will google again. Thanks.
Ricky Spartacus wrote:

Just thought that a scope is a sensitive equipment that could detect
changes in the amount of negatively charged water molecues. Also
thought it's just as easy as dipping probes into the water.

The device you pointed out seems to require a dedicated instrument. I
thought I could just stick probes into an orange and get how much
negative ORPs is in there. Guess it's not the same science experiment
as in grade school. Will google again. Thanks.
If you are trying to generate DC from dissimilar metals and an acidic
fruit, you can see that with a scope or meter.

John Popelish
I run a lot of Salt water marine systems. On the Coral grow out tanks I
measure ORP (Oxidation reduction potential) Not sure if this is what you are
talking about. My 'Parent' Coral tank is currently reading 398 mV. I use a
ORP meter to measure this. It is German and is supplies by Aqua-Medic
Hope this helps


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"Ricky Spartacus" <> wrote in message
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

Positvely charged electron?

I was fed wrong information? This website says free radicals are
positivly charged. Find `positively charged` at this site.

Ricky -

It's kind of like what's referred to as a hole in solid state physics, i.e.
a place where an electron was but no longer is. A hole isn't really
positive, it's just less negative. There are positively charged "electrons"
called positrons, the anti-particle to electrons; don't try crashing one
into the other at home unless you happen to have a particle accelerator in
your basement workshop, however.

One of my favorite quotes by Bertrand Russell about pure mathematics (and I
only bring it up in passing because I am re-reading "The World of
Mathematics" by James R. Newman is "...mathematics may be defined as the
subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what
we are saying is true." ;-)

I don't think so. There can only be less or more
of the negative kind. Using a scope would be overkill (and probably
ineffective in any event) because of the static nature of your
Use a galvanometer.

Okay, I hope my analog MM goes below - 400mv.
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured using
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water has
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

Positvely charged electron?

I was fed wrong information? This website says free radicals are
positivly charged. Find `positively charged` at this site.

Ricky -
It's kind of like what's referred to as a hole in solid state physics, i.e.
a place where an electron was but no longer is. A hole isn't really
positive, it's just less negative. There are positively charged "electrons"
called positrons, the anti-particle to electrons; don't try crashing one
into the other at home unless you happen to have a particle accelerator in
your basement workshop, however.

One of my favorite quotes by Bertrand Russell about pure mathematics (and I
only bring it up in passing because I am re-reading "The World of
Mathematics" by James R. Newman is "...mathematics may be defined as the
subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what
we are saying is true." ;-)
I understand clearly now. Comparing it to a hole makes sense.
I run a lot of Salt water marine systems. On the Coral grow out tanks I
measure ORP (Oxidation reduction potential) Not sure if this is what you are
talking about. My 'Parent' Coral tank is currently reading 398 mV. I use a
ORP meter to measure this. It is German and is supplies by Aqua-Medic
Hope this helps
This really helped. I can get an ORP meter for a lot less than I
thought. If all I need is to measure the ORP, could I just buy a probe
and hook it up to any generic meter capable of measuring -400 to + 400
On 30 Oct 2003 16:59:48 -0800, Ricky Spartacus wrote:

Positvely charged electron?

I was fed wrong information? This website says free radicals are
positivly charged. Find `positively charged` at this site.
Yes you were fed wrong information. The site you refer to is full of
errors. It is a mix of science and pseudoscience (garbage inteneded to
sound scientific) with the sole aim of selling products. I hope you aren't
about to spend lots of money based on something you read on this site.



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Sorry Ricky can't help there. These guys here have just taught me how to
connect up LED's ;-))
I know that pH and ORP probes produce mV but do not know if my ORP meters
mV are 'real' mV. i.e. my 404mV measured today really is 404mV. Hope that
last bit makes sense.


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"Ricky Spartacus" <> wrote in message
How is the level of the Oxidation-Reduction Potential measured
an osciloscope? Is there an easy way to see if a glass of water
more negatively charged electrons instead of positively charged

Positvely charged electron?

I was fed wrong information? This website says free radicals are
positivly charged. Find `positively charged` at this site.

Ricky -
It's kind of like what's referred to as a hole in solid state physics,
a place where an electron was but no longer is. A hole isn't really
positive, it's just less negative. There are positively charged
called positrons, the anti-particle to electrons; don't try crashing one
into the other at home unless you happen to have a particle accelerator
your basement workshop, however.

One of my favorite quotes by Bertrand Russell about pure mathematics
(and I
only bring it up in passing because I am re-reading "The World of
Mathematics" by James R. Newman is "...mathematics may be defined as the
subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether
we are saying is true." ;-)

I understand clearly now. Comparing it to a hole makes sense.
Glad it helped Rick :)
I was fed wrong information? This website says free radicals are
positivly charged. Find `positively charged` at this site.

Radicals are not charged at all (ions are). Simply put, radicals are
unstable molecules, which quickly react with their environment and hence
can do damage to living cells.

Oxidation/reduction (redox for short) potential (again very simply put)
referes to the ratio of oxidising and reducing compounds in a sample.
Water from a mountain stream will contain a lot of dissolved oxygen
(which is an oxidising molecule), but little organic impurities. Sewage
as the opposite extreme will have a lot of impurities (which are
reducing), but little if any oxygen. Thus you can learn something about
the purity of water by measuring redox potential. This is done by
holding a special electrode into the water and measuring the voltage
between its two poles (which usually will be in the range of -2..+2 V)
with a milli-voltmeter. The meter must have a high input impedance, as
the voltage across the electrode would drop if any current were taken
from it.

For suppliers, check, or general laboratory
suppliers like Fisher, Cole-Parmer or BDH. Good instruments can measure
redox potential, pH, oxygen concentration and temperature, and have a
rugged design for outdoor use.

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