I am trying to run a program [ Modelsim ] on a 64 bit linux HP
machine. May be bacause of the size of the program, the testcase comes
out with the following Error.
============ ========= ==
# Fatal: (vsim-4) ** Memory allocation failure. **
# Pelase check your system for avialable memory and swap space.
============ ========= ==
The possible solutions suggested for this are
1. Use the memory locking feature on HP-UX or the memory sharing
feature on Solaris
2. Increase the size of swap space
3, Add memory to your machine and others..
Could any one please let me know how to use the memory locking feature
in HP Linux machine.
I understand that we need to re-work with partition of hard-disk etc
for making changes in the swap space. Is there an alternate way to do
this other than working with partition of the disk ?
Thanks in advance,
I am trying to run a program [ Modelsim ] on a 64 bit linux HP
machine. May be bacause of the size of the program, the testcase comes
out with the following Error.
============ ========= ==
# Fatal: (vsim-4) ** Memory allocation failure. **
# Pelase check your system for avialable memory and swap space.
============ ========= ==
The possible solutions suggested for this are
1. Use the memory locking feature on HP-UX or the memory sharing
feature on Solaris
2. Increase the size of swap space
3, Add memory to your machine and others..
Could any one please let me know how to use the memory locking feature
in HP Linux machine.
I understand that we need to re-work with partition of hard-disk etc
for making changes in the swap space. Is there an alternate way to do
this other than working with partition of the disk ?
Thanks in advance,