Hi All,
I have an incoming clock that I have to capture...
but the first pulse is short and can either be positive/negative.
in my testbench, i need to be able to skip this short pulse...
before i start to generate my 2x clock. how do I do this?
right now, my code looks something like this...
initial begin
CLOCK_2x = 0;
@(posedge CLOCK);
CLOCK_2x = 1;
@(negedge CLOCK);
CLOCK_2x = 0;
forever #(period/2) CLOCK_2x = ~CLOCK_2x;
I have an incoming clock that I have to capture...
but the first pulse is short and can either be positive/negative.
in my testbench, i need to be able to skip this short pulse...
before i start to generate my 2x clock. how do I do this?
right now, my code looks something like this...
initial begin
CLOCK_2x = 0;
@(posedge CLOCK);
CLOCK_2x = 1;
@(negedge CLOCK);
CLOCK_2x = 0;
forever #(period/2) CLOCK_2x = ~CLOCK_2x;