How do I replace a compact disc player transformer??

I have a CD player that stopped turning on. Inside the cabinet I found
that the transformer looked corroded/generally suspicious so I
industriously ordered a replacement (read: I don't know what I'm
doing). I unscrewed the brackets of the existent xformer and
discovered that it is attached to the circuit card below it. Turning
the whole thing to the side, I can see that the posts from the
transformer are inserted into the card, and at each point of insertion
there is a rounded metal nub (melted solder?) on the other side (the
side the posts would exit were they to poke through).

Here's my problem: I cannot remove the bad transformer from the card.
It seems to be held in by the posts that are stuck into the card (are
they soldered in?). How do I remove the old xformer and install the
new one???

I realize that I should probably take it to a professional; aside from
that, can anyone talk me through this?


HM wrote:
I have a CD player that stopped turning on. Inside the cabinet I found
that the transformer looked corroded/generally suspicious so I
industriously ordered a replacement (read: I don't know what I'm
doing). I unscrewed the brackets of the existent xformer and
discovered that it is attached to the circuit card below it. Turning
the whole thing to the side, I can see that the posts from the
transformer are inserted into the card, and at each point of insertion
there is a rounded metal nub (melted solder?) on the other side (the
side the posts would exit were they to poke through).

Here's my problem: I cannot remove the bad transformer from the card.
It seems to be held in by the posts that are stuck into the card (are
they soldered in?). How do I remove the old xformer and install the
new one???

I realize that I should probably take it to a professional; aside from
that, can anyone talk me through this?


Repair rule number one: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Before you risk breaking the circuit board, verify that the transformer
is bad. All it takes is an AC voltmeter to determine if it's putting
out volts. If you don't have or don't know how to use a voltmeter,
STOP immediately and befriend someone who does. You'll learn more in
10 minutes with an expert than you will trying to sort thru all the
inputs you get on the web.

FWIW, the transformer wouldn't be the first or second or third or fourth
place I'd look for a bad part.

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ht<removethis>tp:// wrote:

I have a CD player that stopped turning on. Inside the cabinet I found
that the transformer looked corroded/generally suspicious so I
industriously ordered a replacement (read: I don't know what I'm
doing). I unscrewed the brackets of the existent xformer and
discovered that it is attached to the circuit card below it. Turning
the whole thing to the side, I can see that the posts from the
transformer are inserted into the card, and at each point of insertion
there is a rounded metal nub (melted solder?) on the other side (the
side the posts would exit were they to poke through).

Here's my problem: I cannot remove the bad transformer from the card.
It seems to be held in by the posts that are stuck into the card (are
they soldered in?). How do I remove the old xformer and install the
new one???

I realize that I should probably take it to a professional; aside from
that, can anyone talk me through this?



Blow torch ? :)
Unless you are adept at repair techniques and have the appropriate tools you
will need to have it done for you. The Blow Torch Technique will remove the
part, and overheat the circuit board in areas that you will not prefer.
"Jamie" <> wrote in message
news:j6FYd.19138$cx1.16094@fe07.lga... wrote:

I have a CD player that stopped turning on. Inside the cabinet I found
that the transformer looked corroded/generally suspicious so I
industriously ordered a replacement (read: I don't know what I'm
doing). I unscrewed the brackets of the existent xformer and
discovered that it is attached to the circuit card below it. Turning
the whole thing to the side, I can see that the posts from the
transformer are inserted into the card, and at each point of insertion
there is a rounded metal nub (melted solder?) on the other side (the
side the posts would exit were they to poke through).

Here's my problem: I cannot remove the bad transformer from the card.
It seems to be held in by the posts that are stuck into the card (are
they soldered in?). How do I remove the old xformer and install the
new one???

I realize that I should probably take it to a professional; aside from
that, can anyone talk me through this?



Blow torch ? :)
Art wrote:

Unless you are adept at repair techniques and have the appropriate tools you
will need to have it done for you. The Blow Torch Technique will remove the
part, and overheat the circuit board in areas that you will not prefer.
"Jamie" <> wrote in message
news:j6FYd.19138$cx1.16094@fe07.lga... wrote:

I have a CD player that stopped turning on. Inside the cabinet I found
that the transformer looked corroded/generally suspicious so I
industriously ordered a replacement (read: I don't know what I'm
doing). I unscrewed the brackets of the existent xformer and
discovered that it is attached to the circuit card below it. Turning
the whole thing to the side, I can see that the posts from the
transformer are inserted into the card, and at each point of insertion
there is a rounded metal nub (melted solder?) on the other side (the
side the posts would exit were they to poke through).

Here's my problem: I cannot remove the bad transformer from the card.
It seems to be held in by the posts that are stuck into the card (are
they soldered in?). How do I remove the old xformer and install the
new one???

I realize that I should probably take it to a professional; aside from
that, can anyone talk me through this?



Blow torch ? :)

LOL!, some people are gullible! :)
<> wrote in message
I have a CD player that stopped turning on. Inside the cabinet I found
that the transformer looked corroded/generally suspicious so I
industriously ordered a replacement (read: I don't know what I'm
doing). I unscrewed the brackets of the existent xformer and
discovered that it is attached to the circuit card below it. Turning
the whole thing to the side, I can see that the posts from the
transformer are inserted into the card, and at each point of insertion
there is a rounded metal nub (melted solder?) on the other side (the
side the posts would exit were they to poke through).

Here's my problem: I cannot remove the bad transformer from the card.
It seems to be held in by the posts that are stuck into the card (are
they soldered in?). How do I remove the old xformer and install the
new one???
Forget the blowtorch, except for grins.

Assuming you do replace the transformer:
Get a soldering iron and a solder removal
means, such as a mechanical sucker or
wicking copper braid. Melt each joint
and try to clear the space between the
side of the hole and the transformer pin.
Finally, wiggle each pin with some pliars
to break the (hopefully) slight remaining
bond between pin and hole. After doing
the last pin and then removing mechanical
fasteners, lift the transformer out. Solder
the new one in with the same orientation
as the old one. (You can find soldering
tips on the web.)

I realize that I should probably take it to a professional; aside
from that, can anyone talk me through this?
I second Mike's advice about getting a friend to
help. But taking it to a pro will probably cost
more than the equipment is worth. As Mike
suggested, an AC Voltmeter will tell you whether
the transformer is working. Here are a few tips
on how to do that with a multimeter:

Unplug the player, open the case, and get the
circuit board exposed enough to permit you to
safely probe the power supply. Be sure that it
is on an insulating surface and that the arrangment
of things is stable and does not create any circuit
other than what was there with the case closed.

With the player unplugged, use the Ohms setting
to discover which terminals of the transformer
connect to the line, hot or neutral. Be careful
to avoid touching those during the next steps,
with either yourself or your probes. It would
be prudent to mark them with masking tape
or something unless you have good memory.

Put on a pair of clean rubber-soled shoes and
get a completely wooden or plastic chair to sit
on for the next few steps. Or, if you are steady
on your feet, prepare to stand in those shoes.

Plug in the player and set the power switch to
the on position.

Grasp the probe tips carefully on the insulated
part, well back from the metallic tips.

Use the AC Volts measurement setting on your
multimeter to measure most or all pair-wise
combinations of the remaining transformer
terminals, the ones not marked or noted in
the unpowered step above.

Unplug the player.

If you saw at least 5 VAC on any of those
combinations, then it is very unlikely that you
have a transformer that needs replacing.

If you saw little or no AC, then be sure there
is no blown fuse in the line side of the supply.
If there was a blown fuse, replace it. Otherwise,
replacing the transformer is indicated.

You're welcome.
--Larry Brasfield
Above views may belong only to me.

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