I need to measure the total power consumption of one of our circuit
boards. The board's current consumption varies over time (it is
battery powered and solar panel charged). I would like to set up an
experiment where the current and voltage are recorded over time.
Basically, I want to create a Power or power consumption monitor.
The problem is measuring the current. My multimeter (Fluke 177) does
a good job of this, but no data logging. My oscilloscope does not
have a current probe (and I doubt you can buy one that works in the
500uA to 1mA range). Can't use the data acquisition card either
(voltage only).
So, how do people accurately measure currents of around 1mA without
using a multimeter? If you use a small resistor and then measure the
voltage drop, this increases the power consumed (introduces some
error). Is there anyway to avoid this?
boards. The board's current consumption varies over time (it is
battery powered and solar panel charged). I would like to set up an
experiment where the current and voltage are recorded over time.
Basically, I want to create a Power or power consumption monitor.
The problem is measuring the current. My multimeter (Fluke 177) does
a good job of this, but no data logging. My oscilloscope does not
have a current probe (and I doubt you can buy one that works in the
500uA to 1mA range). Can't use the data acquisition card either
(voltage only).
So, how do people accurately measure currents of around 1mA without
using a multimeter? If you use a small resistor and then measure the
voltage drop, this increases the power consumed (introduces some
error). Is there anyway to avoid this?