How do I make a TLF file




I am a grad student working on making a standard cell library for my
school. I have finished making the needed cells using abstract
generator, and now have my lef file. I am using the PKS-SE flow, and now
I need a TLF file. From what I understand I use signalstorm to
characterize the cells, and it will output a alf file which I then
convert to .lib then to tlf? Am I on the right track? I have access to
sourcelink (which tends to take some time wading through everything). I
have the docs for signalstorm 1.6, as well as the tlf docs. We have
signalstorm installed, and can get pretty much anything else we might
need from cadence. The docs are not all that clear on HOW-TO create a
tlf file.

I just need some steering in the right direction. Some sort of quick
how-to would be greatly appreciated.


Paul W.
I used a little cumbersome process to create a tlf file. Basically the
tlf file will have the output delay and slew rates for different input
slew and output load conditions for all arcs in a standard cell(The
tlf reference/user guide should explain more). In order to do this,
you have to perform extensive simulations. I used spectre in tandem
with perl scripts to generate the data. The ocean scripts might help
here. Start with characterizing combinational cells first and as you
get comfortable, you can handle latches and flip-flops.

BTW, the easiest thing would be to get libraries from places like
VT( and spend
more time on your research, unless your research is on cell libraries.

Best of luck.
moc.tod.oohay.ta.sb_ksarp (how wlse you can encode your email

Paulbill <> wrote in message news:<ewnCc.4041$>...

I am a grad student working on making a standard cell library for my
school. I have finished making the needed cells using abstract
generator, and now have my lef file. I am using the PKS-SE flow, and now
I need a TLF file. From what I understand I use signalstorm to
characterize the cells, and it will output a alf file which I then
convert to .lib then to tlf? Am I on the right track? I have access to
sourcelink (which tends to take some time wading through everything). I
have the docs for signalstorm 1.6, as well as the tlf docs. We have
signalstorm installed, and can get pretty much anything else we might
need from cadence. The docs are not all that clear on HOW-TO create a
tlf file.

I just need some steering in the right direction. Some sort of quick
how-to would be greatly appreciated.


Paul W.

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