Paul Burridge
HI all,
I've posted it to abse under the same subject heading. I was messing
about passing a 200Khz signal through a silicon diode and got this odd
looking trace. I've since been unable to recreate it for some strange
and annoying reason. Can anyone work out what's going on here; what
the trace is indicating and how I might have generated it first time
around? Sig. level was ~0.5V p-p.
The BBC: licenced at public expense to spread lies.
I've posted it to abse under the same subject heading. I was messing
about passing a 200Khz signal through a silicon diode and got this odd
looking trace. I've since been unable to recreate it for some strange
and annoying reason. Can anyone work out what's going on here; what
the trace is indicating and how I might have generated it first time
around? Sig. level was ~0.5V p-p.
The BBC: licenced at public expense to spread lies.