How Dare Could America Industrial Property Office Be In Cons

How Dare Could America Industrial Property Office Be In Conspiracy With
Jungang International Patent Office To Make An Extravagant
International Crime ?

Currently a Korean party now holds the American patent 4919933, the
Taiwanese patent 37414, the Japanese patent 2733523 and a Korean patent
044435 through The Korean Jungang International Patent Law
Office(Address : 5th Floor, Jae Insurance Bld, #80, Susong-Dong,
Jongro-Gu, Seoul, the Republic of Korea)

The Korean patent was for the method of producing the medicine, and the
American, Taiwanese and Japanese patents were for the composition of
the medicine. During the processing of the American patent the American
Patent Office changed the Category of the Patent into the processing
method rather than the patent for the composition of the medicine
without consulting the Korean party concerned.

The Korean Jungang International Patent Law Office, stated that the
medicine also works for skin problems during the processing and
issuing of the Patent. At that time, an American working in the office
, took the details of the Patent and tried to register it and gain
protection under the American Patent Law and he also tried to claim the
medicine as his own discovery. That is to say, Jungang International
Patent Office found out the fact that a manufacturing process of
products concerned with the oral cavity also had an enough effect on
the skin to acquire the patent right and Jungang International Patent
Office as an agent, should hand back the half of benefit to the first
inventor, the old woman. Therefore, Jungang International Patent Office
is hoarding up the valuable intellectual property rights as a result of
notarizing the intellectual property rights under the America Patent
Act by taking advantage of an American who worked for them at that
time, in order to squeeze the half benefit out of the old woman.

To sum up, Jungang International Patent Office took advantage of making
an American, who was an employee, notarize the usage for skin, as well
as plan to delete the patent right for a composite before acquiring
U.S.A Patent No. 4919933, recognizing that America Patent Act
prescribes a special system which keeps the intellectual property
rights, provided that someone attests a special value to the America
Industrial Property Office in advance.

That is to say, Jungang International Patent Law Office, whose address
is 80 Susong-dong Jongro-gu Seoul R.O.K, induced an American, who was
an employee at that time, to maintain patent by notarizing a skin usage
in U.S.A, and eliminate the patent for a composition in order to give
the first inventor only the patent for a manufacturing technique which
is not approved of receiving the half right of the patent for a
composition, and also prevent the first inventor from receiving the
half right of the patent for a composition. And, Jungang International
Patent Office took advantage of another 5 persons' signed and sealed
false papers instead of four family members' besides the original
inventor's in the course of eliminating the patent for a composition.

The Korean party also feels that the American citizen also intervened
in the application at the Japan Patent Office and the Taiwan Patent
Office and that there was a conspiracy between the Central
International Patent Law Office and the American citizen. The Director
of "The Korean Central International Patent Law Office". Mr Lee,
Byung-Ho's niece is married to an American citizen. The Korean party
would greatly appreciate it if this matter could be investigated.

4 family members
446-12 Su-dong Sangdang-gu
Cheongju-city Chungbuk, Korea
Tel) 82-43-258-0908

The above statement has been delivered to the U.S.A Government Org.
etc., so far.

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