Mama Bear
If someone has satellite or cable TV in 2 rooms, and has a wireless
remote in one of them anyway ( 1 box feeds 2 rooms that way ), and
they want to send the signal from that box into a third room
without having to hire someone to run cable in the crawl space,
can't that be done?
I used to hear about something called a TV rabbit that could hop
the TV signal to another room. In this case, all we want is the
stereo from the music channels on cable, to be sent out to the FM
receiver in the living room, so we can listen to the music out
What can do that, how expensive is it, and what's it called
- Mama Bear
remote in one of them anyway ( 1 box feeds 2 rooms that way ), and
they want to send the signal from that box into a third room
without having to hire someone to run cable in the crawl space,
can't that be done?
I used to hear about something called a TV rabbit that could hop
the TV signal to another room. In this case, all we want is the
stereo from the music channels on cable, to be sent out to the FM
receiver in the living room, so we can listen to the music out
What can do that, how expensive is it, and what's it called
- Mama Bear