Reza Naima
I've written some code that is supposed to drive an SPI bus in a very
simple way - just clock out 16 bits and then toggle the chip select.
However, the code I've written manages to only run at 1/2 the clock
speed that the cpld is running at. If you notice, the always block
will toggle the sck line on only the posege of clk_in. And I can't
modify the always block to run at the posedge and negedge of clk_in.
After much googling, I've come up with an idea, but I'm not sure if
it's viable. If I take the clk_in, and split the signal, sending 1/2
of it through many gates (doesn't matter what) so it would add a delay,
then xor-ing with it's original signal, I should get 2x the input
frequency but with a very non 50% duty cycle. If I then use that to
trigger the always block, I should recover the original frequency.
Thoughts? Will this work? Is there a better way to do this?
module DA_Driver(reset, clk_in, sck, cs);
input reset;
/* SPI Related */
input clk_in;
output sck;
output cs;
reg cs;
reg sck;
reg [4:0] spi_counter;
/* cs toggler */
always @(posedge reset or posedge clk_in) begin
if (reset) begin
spi_counter <= 0;
cs <= 0;
sck <= 0;
end else begin
sck <= !sck;
spi_counter <= spi_counter + 1;
if (spi_counter == 16)
cs <= 1;
if (spi_counter == 17) begin
cs <= 0;
spi_counter <= 0;
simple way - just clock out 16 bits and then toggle the chip select.
However, the code I've written manages to only run at 1/2 the clock
speed that the cpld is running at. If you notice, the always block
will toggle the sck line on only the posege of clk_in. And I can't
modify the always block to run at the posedge and negedge of clk_in.
After much googling, I've come up with an idea, but I'm not sure if
it's viable. If I take the clk_in, and split the signal, sending 1/2
of it through many gates (doesn't matter what) so it would add a delay,
then xor-ing with it's original signal, I should get 2x the input
frequency but with a very non 50% duty cycle. If I then use that to
trigger the always block, I should recover the original frequency.
Thoughts? Will this work? Is there a better way to do this?
module DA_Driver(reset, clk_in, sck, cs);
input reset;
/* SPI Related */
input clk_in;
output sck;
output cs;
reg cs;
reg sck;
reg [4:0] spi_counter;
/* cs toggler */
always @(posedge reset or posedge clk_in) begin
if (reset) begin
spi_counter <= 0;
cs <= 0;
sck <= 0;
end else begin
sck <= !sck;
spi_counter <= spi_counter + 1;
if (spi_counter == 16)
cs <= 1;
if (spi_counter == 17) begin
cs <= 0;
spi_counter <= 0;