news reader
In the design I have 256 3-bit registers, every time I need to read or
write 16 of them (data_o0, 1, ...15).
The read/write address is not totally random.
For example, assuming that I arrange the register into a 16X16 matrix,
data_o0 accesses
among the zeros row or column. data_o1 may access from 20 of the
registers, but not 256, data_o2 may
access from 30 of the variables, etc.
If I code such that every output reads from the 256 registers, the final
logic will be overkill and highly redundant.
If I use case statements to list each of the senarios, the RTL code may end
up 500 kilobyte.
Will design compiler synthesize a 500KB design efficiently? Will NCVerilog
compile and simulate it efficiently?
Are there any neater techniques to attack this problem?
write 16 of them (data_o0, 1, ...15).
The read/write address is not totally random.
For example, assuming that I arrange the register into a 16X16 matrix,
data_o0 accesses
among the zeros row or column. data_o1 may access from 20 of the
registers, but not 256, data_o2 may
access from 30 of the variables, etc.
If I code such that every output reads from the 256 registers, the final
logic will be overkill and highly redundant.
If I use case statements to list each of the senarios, the RTL code may end
up 500 kilobyte.
Will design compiler synthesize a 500KB design efficiently? Will NCVerilog
compile and simulate it efficiently?
Are there any neater techniques to attack this problem?