Can you specialists help me attach a lead to record messages from my
telephone answering machine. Thanks in advance for any help.
I want to archive some messages from my answering machine. The
answering machine is built into a DECT cordless phone which is one of
the PANASONIC KX-TG7100 range. My phone <http://tinyurl.com/kmg6vb>
I could replay the messages with a mic near the speaker but the
recording quality is poor. So I want to attach a wire to the phone
and record the audio signal on my MP3 recorder.
The phone replays messages through a speaker in its base unit or
through the earpiece on the handset. There's also a handset speaker.
What sort of circuit would I need to attach a recording lead to the
speaker contacts?
(Below are details of photos, service manual and how to identify
similar Panasonic models.)
These are photos I took of the speaker and of the contacts on the
circuit board:--
(1) handset - circuit board.jpg http://bayimg.com/bABPHAAcc
(2) handset - speaker - front.jpg http://bayimg.com/babpFaaCc
(3) handset - speaker - rear.jpg http://bayimg.com/BABpiAACc
(4) handset - speaker - side.jpg http://bayimg.com/BAbPNaACC
(5) base unit - front .jpg http://bayimg.com/babpPaACc
(6) base unit - circuit board.jpg http://bayimg.com/CabpDAacc
(7) base unit - rear.jpg http://bayimg.com/CabpfaAcC
Here is the service manual for this phone (Central European
edition):-- <http://freepdfhosting.com/cecffb76d5.pdf>
I think page 55 of the service manual is saying the handset speaker is
8 ohms; and the 2 terminals going to the speaker is 150 ohms.
I'm in the UK. My DECT phone is one of the PANASONIC KX-TG7100 range.
About a year ago the range was replaced by the Panasonic KX-TG7200 and
also by the Panasonic KX-TG7300.
Info about very similar Panasonic phones might get overlooked unless
you decode Panasonic's model numbers. For example, my specific model
is actually a Panasonic KX-TG7122ES.
The last zero can be "2", "3", "4" to indicate number of handsets.
The penultimate zero is set to "2" for a built-in answering machine.
Any extra suffix will indicate the country. ("E" for UK English model)
Any second extra suffix indicates colour. ("S" for silver, etc)
telephone answering machine. Thanks in advance for any help.
I want to archive some messages from my answering machine. The
answering machine is built into a DECT cordless phone which is one of
the PANASONIC KX-TG7100 range. My phone <http://tinyurl.com/kmg6vb>
I could replay the messages with a mic near the speaker but the
recording quality is poor. So I want to attach a wire to the phone
and record the audio signal on my MP3 recorder.
The phone replays messages through a speaker in its base unit or
through the earpiece on the handset. There's also a handset speaker.
What sort of circuit would I need to attach a recording lead to the
speaker contacts?
(Below are details of photos, service manual and how to identify
similar Panasonic models.)
These are photos I took of the speaker and of the contacts on the
circuit board:--
(1) handset - circuit board.jpg http://bayimg.com/bABPHAAcc
(2) handset - speaker - front.jpg http://bayimg.com/babpFaaCc
(3) handset - speaker - rear.jpg http://bayimg.com/BABpiAACc
(4) handset - speaker - side.jpg http://bayimg.com/BAbPNaACC
(5) base unit - front .jpg http://bayimg.com/babpPaACc
(6) base unit - circuit board.jpg http://bayimg.com/CabpDAacc
(7) base unit - rear.jpg http://bayimg.com/CabpfaAcC
Here is the service manual for this phone (Central European
edition):-- <http://freepdfhosting.com/cecffb76d5.pdf>
I think page 55 of the service manual is saying the handset speaker is
8 ohms; and the 2 terminals going to the speaker is 150 ohms.
I'm in the UK. My DECT phone is one of the PANASONIC KX-TG7100 range.
About a year ago the range was replaced by the Panasonic KX-TG7200 and
also by the Panasonic KX-TG7300.
Info about very similar Panasonic phones might get overlooked unless
you decode Panasonic's model numbers. For example, my specific model
is actually a Panasonic KX-TG7122ES.
The last zero can be "2", "3", "4" to indicate number of handsets.
The penultimate zero is set to "2" for a built-in answering machine.
Any extra suffix will indicate the country. ("E" for UK English model)
Any second extra suffix indicates colour. ("S" for silver, etc)