I have a Toshiba CF3254J that currently has bright horizontal bands
that seem to eminate from any light colored objects on the screen, be
they in the displayed images (movie, etc) or the tv's function display
(volume bar, channel, etc).
The vertical had been squashed completely from the lower half into the
upper half, but that is better now that I replaced two capacitors
(c301 and c305). Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the
current condition? Could it be something adjustable, or more
capacitors, or what?
Any help pointing me in possible directions to proceed would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank You in Advance,
Jon O. Noble
I have a Toshiba CF3254J that currently has bright horizontal bands
that seem to eminate from any light colored objects on the screen, be
they in the displayed images (movie, etc) or the tv's function display
(volume bar, channel, etc).
The vertical had been squashed completely from the lower half into the
upper half, but that is better now that I replaced two capacitors
(c301 and c305). Does anyone have any idea what could be causing the
current condition? Could it be something adjustable, or more
capacitors, or what?
Any help pointing me in possible directions to proceed would be
greatly appreciated.
Thank You in Advance,
Jon O. Noble